"The Waters of Mormon."
"Fun bread that we found."
"Sent from my Daddy."
Her birthday package received in 4 days! A RECORD!
"We made cookies, NO BAKES..."
"...also, that is how we eat junk."
So you should have a hand delivered package. Do you? This gal, Krystal, Shelley's friend, went last Thursday to Guatemala, to that city I told you about. Then she saw a friend she knows from Chimal and and he said he was willing to take the package to you and deliver it to you. She was going to see him yesterday, I think, and deliver it to you today. I hope this works!!! It isn't a big thing, but I hope it is a fun thing for you. Please let me know if/when you get it. It would be fun if you already know this man.
I got a text this afternoon and Krystal told Shelley that your package had been delivered yesterday. I hope that means right to you.
I did get it. i do know this man, because i live in his house. hahaha tell her thanksªª (Who could have known. She said in another note, "I GOT THE PACKAGE ALREADY. She gave it to the bishop where she was and he gave it to the counseler in the stake presidency who we live with and i already got it. tell her thank youª"ªª She got a package, hand delivered in 4 days. That is a record. Thanks to Kyrstal Gilbert for that! So fun!!!)
Please ask Hermana Newman what time her homecoming is!!! I was going to comment on her blog, but I decided I shouldn't do that. Her mom may not appreciate that. I cannot change yours because if I do, Spencer cannot be there. He already had that day off because the Bishop promised that day would work. I'm so sorry. I am praying that they are at a different time. We are at 1pm. Maybe even just ask what ward she is in and I will look it up online if she doesn't know.
I will ask her when i see her. For some reason i think its at 9...and the Law Family is at 11. But if i t doesn't work, Hermana Law and I already talked about getting all of us together for lunch one day. No big dealªª
How did your baptisms end up. How many are scheduled and how many have happened? You said they would be on the 15th I believe, but I am not sure they were all for the 15th. You talked about Otoniel, Gabby, Milvia, Jose, Jade and Yessenia. How are they all going? Are they on for next week?
Otoniel, didnt come to church Sunday cause he got called into work, so we will be working with him for the 22. Milvia and Jose are going to be baptized on the 14th...a Saturday with all the other kids in the primary who arent baptized. Also, their brother Jonathon who is 12 is preparing for the 22. Which i am so excited for him. I just realized i wont be here for Jonathans baptism because i was informed today i will be training...and so i will leave my area and will no longer be a sister training leader. maybe opening an area...we will see where i am headed, but transfers are the 17th of march...so milvia and jose will be my last baptisms here. But i am so excited for themªª
How did the "Mini MTC" turn out? Did you hear any more input from those kids who participated? It sounds awesome!
THEY ALL LOVED ITª Dilan, our convert did it as well and he loved it so much. he has decided he wants to go on a mission. he wear his little name tag they made them every week to church. so sweet.
Has there been anymore contact with that lady with the 5 kids and the couple of kids that have cancer? It amazes me that she was married at 13. Is there a husband, or dad, in the picture? I hope that she is a little bit more responsive to the message you have to share now because you have a friendship with her.
the husband is there, but just always working. we havent found her again...they are never in their house because they both work all the time. it blows my mind how much people work here. it is so sad.
I am sooooo excited that you were able to go to the sealing for two of your best Guatemala friends. I just was teary reading that!! It is an amazing blessing for you. I know you realize that, too. That is the best part. I was reading that to Tristan, I showed her the pictures last week, and she said, "I never got to do that." She wasn't being mean, she was just pointing out what a blessing it was that you GOT TO be there. I am grateful your mission president let you participate in that.
IT WAS THE BEST THING EVER. i feel so blessed and gratefulªª
Okay, you're turn. Tell us all about this week. I hope you are doing well. I don't think your weather is as warm as you want it to be. I think it will be warmer soon. We had warm, warm weather, then it changed and we had a huge snow storm last Tuesday. It got really cold. Now we are going back to warmer weather, again. Soooo weird.
the weather is kind of bi-polar here. but it is great. It is getting warmer each day. with the random freezing days here and there.
We love you. We pray for you every day. Take care of Morgan.
Love you, Morga!!
Love you, Morga!!
So quick story this week i went on divisions with the girls in an area called Patzicia. At about 6 o clock we saw a LOT of smoke over by the church. LONG STORY SHORT. the people were protesting something and they started burning a big pile of car tires...and the police showed up in the end and started throwing tear gas...i definitely felt it. it was weird...it didnt affect us much we were just coughing and our eyes burned a tiny bit, but we are fineªª Just a fun little story.
So i think i talked a little about Jose and Milvia last week. Lets just say teaching them is my favorite thing in the world. When we teach them it is usually a group of like 6 kids from 12 and under and the mom and an 18 year old inactive who CAME TO CHURCH THIS WEEK FINALLY. Anyways, it is so fun. It makes me want to be a teacher. I LOVE THE KIDS. We have so much fun learning and playing and singing. They all just flocked around me at church on Sunday, you could say i have a slight obsession with them
AHH MY ZONE LEADER JUST CAME AND HANDED ME THE CALENDAR OF THE MISSION....up until the end of April...it made me a little sick. he handed it to me and just laughed. haha he goes home this change, so he is worse off than i am, but ah it is too weird to me.l it makes me crazy to think that it is just one change more.
DADª Thank you for the letter about Covenants. I have studied A LOT about covenants this week and learned a lot.
President Markhams told us this this past week....
According to our conversion, we will quit murmuring and start pondering. We think of Nephi and his Brothers....it is so true. When was the last time we complained about something a leader said....if we are truly converted, we will stop complaining and ponder. I can say that i am more converted than i was when i left Utah. I cant say i am totally converted, me falta mucho....but i can say that i know my Savior more than before. not as much as i would like to, but i am getting there....poco a poco.
According to our conversion, we will quit murmuring and start pondering. We think of Nephi and his Brothers....it is so true. When was the last time we complained about something a leader said....if we are truly converted, we will stop complaining and ponder. I can say that i am more converted than i was when i left Utah. I cant say i am totally converted, me falta mucho....but i can say that i know my Savior more than before. not as much as i would like to, but i am getting there....poco a poco.
I can say that i have never felt so honored in my whole life, and never felt so much responsibility to be a representative of our Savior Jesus Christ. as i have been studying a lot lately about the atonement, today it hit me really hard that Christ came to sanctify us and to strengthen us...as a representative of Christ i must do ALL I CAN TO HELP OTHERS DO THE SAME. it is something so simple, but the Spirit touched my heart today as i reviewed that truth. I literally am here in place of Christ, and i have the great privilege of helping others receive that strength and salvation...what a responsibility. What a blessing. I LOVE MY SAVIOR. I can say he is my best friend. I pray that he can say the same about me. I pray that i can do the best he would have me do. I cant express how much i am learning. I cant express my love my the people. It is so hard to leave Chimal again...but we will see where the Lord sends me to finish my 18 months. There is something to learn there for sure. There are people to meet. There are things to do. I pray to be the instrument in his hands that he needs. I cant express my love for the gospel. I am converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ...and striving to become the strongest convert i can become....i wont say i'm perfect, because i am far from it, but i know that through Christ i can become it. and only through Him. The gospel of Jesus Christ is for EVERYONE. For the bad to become good, and for the good to become better.
Hermana Oliphant
Hermana Oliphant
Sorry its short today, my computer didnt work and it took a while to get started and the time flew by...
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