"My area"
The Waters of Mormon right here in my area.
How has this first week been. I have to admit, I have worried a little bit about you being in a trio. I worry about you being so far away and back in the mountainous "hills". It won't get as hot though, that may be a blessing. So tell me, how is it? How are you feeling? How are you companions? Do you all get along? Are there good feelings between you all? Will you be in a trio this whole transfer, or is it temporary? Not too many questions circling around inside my head is there!! I "google earth-ed" where you are. I couldn't really tell anything. But sort of saw it a little bit.
I am LOVING EVERYTHING!!! It has beeen sooo cold, but finally warming up...and i love it. My companions are becoming my best friends. We have so much fun together and we are getting more comfortable teaching together. We haven't had any problems...and we just are enjoying it. enjoying all of it. the trio is for the whole transfer from what i know. Just know i am loving it. I couldn't have asked for a better last transfer. I know i am going to learn a lot here, and i want to learn all i can before i go home....i want to go home changed and stay changed. i want to be clean.
Tell us about your area. Who have you met?
We are slowly meeting the members and finding new investigators..we are enjoying being rejected, because we know that means that the miracles are coming and they are. We find new great people every day. It is rough, honestly, but rewarding.
We had Alex, Eli and Seth (Blake and Julie are on a cruise as of yesterday) over for dinner with Grandma and Grandpa last night. Sis. Nye is home so we are back to taking food to her too. That is fun. We like to do that for her. I think she enjoys it too.
The boys gave Grandma a blessing. She asked Alex to anoint and Brent gave the blessing. Dad said a prayer before we began. It was neat. Her surgery she wasn't sure about is on Wednesday. Supposedly it is not as big of a deal as "back surgery" sounds. I feel like it will be okay and that she will do well with it. I just hope it doesn't continue right up her back. The dr said that her rib cage would protect it from happening to the rest of her back. I hope that is true.
I will be praying for her. I know shell do great!! GO GRANDMA!
I went with Spencer to get his bike fixed - we dropped it off to Hyland Cyclery - that is the one Mark Goodman owns, who is now married to Julie Oliphant, and they were all there. Carter, Julie and Mark. It was the most fun thing to see them.
So fun! Hope they are doing great!
Then we took Spencer's car to Jiffy Lube for an oil change and they checked the brakes and they are GONE. Nothing left. So he drove my car to work today and Dad and I are going to change the brakes on his car - he needs front and back brakes. He will probably need new rotors too. I just hope we can do it fast. It has to be done today. He needs his car too much. And, it is supposed to rain today, of course. (Back brakes were just fine, actually!)
Sounds like an adventure always!!
Dad was saying the other day that he always has his eye open for a car for you. We don't know what you want, but he looks anyway.
I DON'T WANT ANYTHING! I WONT HAVE MONEY. Not with schooling...which is stressing me out!!!
Okay, we want to know all about you! I need to know how you are feeling/doing. I have been slightly worried about you this week. I just hope all is well and that this transfer period can be a happy experience. I told Aunt Connie about you meeting Madison Hyland. She went and talked to her parents. So that was good. She asked for your email address. Maybe they or her will write you. I'm not sure.
She did write me! She was so sweet. (Thanks Aunt Connie!)
Be happy! Drink lots of (filtered) water. Stay hydrated. Remember to take the sticky note off your birthday package and be surprised. I hope you got my email about that last week. I cannot believe they left that on there and gave it to you. I know it was early, but it was such a slick thing to get it to you through that gal.
Love you so much! I hope you will enjoy your week! Take are of Morgan! We pray every prayer for you!Love, Mom
First of all.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!! I love you. Thanks for being MY mom. I couldn't be more grateful. I wish i could give you a big hug, but in a few weeks. Just know that i look up to you as my example of a Christ like person. You are so selfless and so amazing. You are so full of love and i hope and pray that i can be like you. Everyone here tells me that i look like you...and i am grateful for that. but i pray i can BE like you. (of course that made me feel like a million bucks - and made me cry!)
This past week we almost got eaten by dogs like 3 times...hahaha so funny, the 3 of us freaking out and running away laughing our heads off. But the backpack is good for something..hahaha.
Our area is really small, and i know the area pretty well already...not the little villages that are far away, but the main part of our area, i do know pretty well.
I am grateful for this area. We are finding people each day. First we found this cool girl Leti. She is 18 and her mom just died 3 months ago...her dad is abusive so they left the house, her and her 4 siblings....she is playing mom now. She was very receptive but we haven' t been able to find her since...so we hope we find her soon. We found this awesome guy luis yesterday who had listened to the missionaries before had gone to church but said he didn't really want to get baptized back then...but says hat now he does....his only problem is that the works Sundays...but we are working on that.
THERE ARE MIRACLES EVERYWHERE!! Having the area closed for so long was necessary, but the people are prepared now and waiting for us. We are just enjoying the finding process.
I got to take a great nap on p day...like 2 hours...but i didn't sleep except for like 30 minutes...i started out looking through old pictures of the mission and ended crying remembering everything. It was really quite funny. I JUST LOVE THE PEOPLE SO MUCH. I literally cant imagine leaving them, but i was crying mostly of gratitude. Because i literally have been so blessed to be in this mission. Everything that has happened has been a blessing for me and i am so grateful. That is the word i have to express my feelings toward my mission. GRATEFUL. My heart is full of gratitude and love. and I will NEVER FORGET IT!
Hermana Oliphant
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