Friday, March 6, 2015

"Saturday I got the best reward any missionary could ever receive."

"The Temple"

"Best day ever!"

"Mi companera y yo."

" an astro van...all crammed together."

"My favorite kid in Santiago"

"Santiago Atitlan. My friend Sara and Osvaldo."



We are finally cold, still. Winter is trying to come. But flowers were blooming and stuff so that's scary for fruit, etc. Hope it won't all be ruined.

it will be perfect timing for when i get home...the beautiful weather will be there.

We had FHE at Gma and Gpas yesterday. They made us green bread---for St. Patricks day coming up on the 17th. They usually read something from your letters every time as a lesson. This time it was the glasses analogy you wrote about. 

oh i hope, when i am home she-they are good to go to the temple with me everyday!

I did get a call from Sis. Linford. It was awesome to talk to her. She loved having you're help with the glasses thing. She said they never would have done as much as they did without you all helping them. She said they helped 1,830 people. Or close to it. She got a bug while she was there, that's why it took a while for her to call me. She was finally feeling better enough to talk and send pics.

thats so fun!! too bad she got sick, but fun to talk to her.

I can't believe transfers are coming already. I think the 18th?!? (Cary's birthday!) Have you heard if he will move you again yet or not. Seems like he tells you early on. Do you stay a sister trainer leader though that transfer too? Where is your MTC companion right now? Do you know? Just curious!

I literally dont know anything about changes yet. I dont know if i will stay or go, i hope i stay and end my mission here, but i dont know anything. usually i know, but this time i know nothing. and my mtc companion is in amatitlan training and being the nurst. I LOVE HER. i get to talk to her sometimes, and it is fun!! she is doing greaT! the problem is i talked to her the other day and she told me her homecoming is the same day as mine...and that made me kind of sad...cause i really wanted to be at hers...but i dont know if there are any options. (We will hope for different times!!)

Okay, I've got nothing else I can think of to tell you. You're turn...tell us everything. Who else have you seen from being in Chimal again. You mentioned Francisca, anyone else. Or too many to mention. I get lots of FB requests for people. I don't know them. Hermana Arguellos is the only one I accepted for now.

have you gotten on mine? you should accept some people maybe...or just wait. whatever you want.

Have a wonderful week. I hope you can meet up with Sis. Gilbert to get your bday package. (See email if you haven't already!!) Take care of you!! Be happy, stay healthy. Are you feeling good still. I hope as it warms up you don't forget water to stay away from kidney stones. Seems like that's when they get you. So drink, drink, drink!!!

i promise to do it. i dont want those again. and with the package - read what i told you.

Love you so much!

This was a WONDERFUL week.!!!

To start off we got a call on Wednesday from one of our awesome members. The story of this member is a story for another day, but he lived in SLC for a while when he got baptized. Anyways, he called us up and said he had a friend in his house that he wanted us to meet. So we told him we would be there right after the visit we had with a different members friend. So we headed over there and we met his friend Otoniel. Who actually doesnt live in our area, but he was there int he house of this member. so we got talking. Otoniel told us all about his past life...SO SAD. But he is ready to move on. He wants to know Christ and he wants to be clean. He told us he wants to go to church here with us even though he has to travel a bit, but to have the support of his friend. So we will continue to teach him and he is preparing for his baptism on the 15th of this month. He grew up as a foster child. He got into drugs and alcohol. He lived off 1 tortilla a day for 9 months. He walked more than 1 hour each day back and forth from parramos to angtigua looking for a job. LONGGGG story short, he has changed. He working all week and has Saturday and Sundays off. He stopped smoking and drinking when he got the help from this member friend Alexander. So incredible. He is so prepared. MEMBERS MAKE THE DIFFERENCE.

We met this awesome lady the other day. She was carrying her wet clothes in a wheel barrow with her 2 kids so i offered to help her and we walked her all the way to her was SO FAR. my arms are still sore but it was so awesome. We met her and her 5 kids. She got married when she was 13, and she told us about her two boys. 5 and 2 years old. They both have this weird blood cancer and it like turns them purple...they just have random blobs of purple and black all over their bodies. SO sad. but such a special family. SO HAPPY. I cant wait to go back with them

We had a stake activity this past week. A MINI MTC. it was great. We had 10 girls from different wards with us all day Saturday and then they went to church with us on Sunday. it was interesting having them walk around with us...all in a big group. But it was so neat. A really awesome experience for them. I just prayed the whole time they would feel the spirit and have desires to serve a mission. The best part of the whole thing is our convert Dilan Rivera Carrera did it too. HE ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT. It was the best thing that he could have done. He wants to go on a mission and is so awesome right now. So pilas!! He is studying the scriptures he is doing all he should be.

This Monday we went to Santiago Atitlan. I finished all my Guatemala shopping. I am done....just waiting for the scripture cases now. But we had a great day. I loved it. We woke up at 230 to go and i had woken up Saturday at 2 also for the temple and tomorrow we have zone conference and i will wake up at like 4 and Thursday at 3 again for consejo de lideres in presidents house. I AM SO TIRED. literally dying here, but so happy. I have never been so happy.

Saturday i got the best reward any missionary could ever receive. I GOT TO SEE TITO AND AMELIA SEALED. We went up with the branch in san martin....all the an astro van...all crammed together. we left at 430 in the morning Then we were together all day until like 500 pm. it was such a special day. The sealing was incredible. The best part was when they brought in their adorable son Jorge Rene to be sealed to them. That was the water works part for was such an incredible feeling in the temple . It is so worth remaining worthy and prepaing to go tot he temple. What a special covenant and blessing. I cannot express the gratitude that i have for being able to go. I am still suffering from the lack of sleep, but i am sooo grateful. I have never been so happy in my whole life. The best day ever. I hope the pictures sent.

M;y companion and i are working hard and we are seeing so many people who will be baptized this month. on the 14th, Gabby, Milvia, and Jose, are 3 nine year old kids who arent baptized yet, and we are having a dia blanco when all the primary kids who are 8 and older and not baptized will be baptized. Gabby is the daughter of a member...we have been working with her FOREVER, but i think this is her day. Milvia and Jose are the niece and nephew of a member that have been coming to church for a long time but we didnt know they werent we will be working with them. We also are working with yessenia and Jade, the nieces of another member. For the 15th we have Otoniel. We are steel working with Wilder and Luis and have faith they will be baptized this month as well. We are so grateful and excited for these wonderful people.

LOVE YOU ALL. I am grateful for the enabling power of the atonement. for the grace of God. i am learning a lot about the grace of god. What an incredible thing it is. We are so imperfect but so lucky to have such a loving heavenly father. He wants us to succeed. He wants us to be the best we can. he wants us to be happy. It is not a coincidence, the plan of god. IT IS PERFECT. I have never been surer. The plan is PERFECT. I pray that i can do his will.

I love you tooo much!!! Keep being amazing!
Hermana Oliphant

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