How is your new companion...I hope things are great. At least good. Where is she from and what is her name. How is the training going?
I LOVE MY LITTLE HIJITA! aka daughter! She is so cute. She is from Utah, from St. George. Her family is from Mexico however, so she knows Spanish. Which is great. She is pretty much perfect at Spanish, there are just a few words here and there she forgets, but she is amazing. Her name is Hermana Zamacona... she is incredible. I feel so inadequate to be training, but I feel so blessed. She is here to work and she wants to be diligent and obedient. She is so humble, always asking what she can do to be better. To be completely honest, I have learned more from her than I am sure she has learned from me. Everyone says that the trainers have to be perfect...2 transfers before someone will train they get put on a trainers list...as an option, and everyone says trainers have to be perfect....I do my best to fake it, but for reals, I feel like I am a trainer to learn from her. She is incredible. We have so much fun together. The spirit in the lessons is amazing. I have never felt so happy, so much spirit, so much love for a companion, or anything as I do right now. Everything is better. Everyone says training is awful and so hard...I absolutely love it. I feel so blessed. I am learning so much. I am growing so much. I am relying on the spirit so much. I just am happy!
Tell me about the mission life now...
The mission life is the bombbb!!! We are going to have a baptism. EDGAR. He accepted his date...15 of June...unless we end up doing it this Sunday, the 8th, but he is so ready and so excited. We always have a cute family, Angel and Marison, and I am sure they are going to be baptized...we just have to get them married first. I am so excited for this area. We are finding incredible people. The spirit is guiding us and putting people in our paths. I LOVE WORKING!! I am happier this transfer because we are working harder, therefore we are seeing the results and being blessed!! I LOVE THE MISSION!!
Any word on Amy...I hope they get to be there for a while longer. I wish that for you. I'm SOOO grateful she has been there through all of this with you. Her mom thinks she will be there for the next 6 weeks for some reason.
She is still here, and her companion...HERMANA YEPEZ!! My second trainer! IT IS SOOO FUN!!! This is the best house in the mission...well not the house...the house too, cause we cleaned it yesterday, hahahaha, but the girls in the house! I LOVE IT! It is so fun. Tonight we are going to order pizza and have a party!! WHOO!!!
Spencer got work off work so he can go to pioneer trek as a pa hopefully now. They just need to ask him to come. I hope they will, it would be so great if he gets to go.
SO FUN!!! I want to go. well, no, the mission is way better. But when I'm home, maybe so!! So fun. Hope he gets to go!!
I helped at Caitlin Ellis's reception on Friday night. That was so fun. They were married up at This is the Place's big old barn. She looked beautiful.
So crazy that she is married...what in the world!!! CONGRATS CAITLIN!!! LOVE YOU!!!
Okay, your turn...tell us everything. I want to hear about Morgan, the trainer and Morgan, the missionary, and especially Morgan, our daughter.
Ok. I am loving this whole mission thing. We see miracles every day!! Edgar accepted his baptism date, and I know he is so ready. The spirit was so strong. The problem is we can only visit him Sunday. So it is hard to get the lessons in, but all the same he is going to be baptized. He said he wants to serve a mission, and this cute member family said they would pay for everything if he went. This kid is incredible. Love him, and so excited for his great decision. I feel so much love for every person we teach. It is incredible. We have this other family, Angel and Marisol...they want to be baptized, they received their answers...they told us all abut it this past week. It was an incredible lesson. The spirit...SO STRONG!! Anyways, they just need to be married, and they don't have money for it...I'm pretty positive it doesn't cost like anything....just for the license. But we gotta figure that out. They are at church every week, reading the Book of Mormon...they are amazing. I LOVE THEM and their cute canchitos...aka white children. Everyone tells me they look like they could be my kids. Who else?...we had this kid ask us to tell us about Jose Smith ....and then he told us he wants to go to church. We were teaching another kid, Sergio on the side of the road and all the sudden he got up and ran away. We were like WAIT WHERE ARE YOU GOING!!! he was chasing the bus...hahahahaha we were dying laughing!! The rain has started..and when it rains, it pours! It is quite fun! People think we are crazy for being out in the rain, but we just enjoy it. Really though. We cleaned the house Monday...finally the house smells clean. I felt bad for bringing my new companion to the messy house, but she was great and we got it nice and clean.
The other day we were walking down the street and this girl was walking and crying, so I stopped her and started talking to her. We were with a member...about her same age. We started talking and found out she just found out she was pregnant and the father of the baby didn't want anything to do with her..so we talked with her, and by the end of the lesson you would have though the 4 of us were best friends. It was amazing. It is so incredible how the spirit guides us and how people are placed in our paths in the right moment. I have never believed in coincidences, but even more now...I KNOW there is no such thing as a coincidence. Every person put in our path is there for a reason. Ever thing that happens, happens for a reason. When all our appointments fall through, we don't get discouraged, because we know something better is going to come!!
We have been visiting this less active family....Douglas and Martia. Last night we had an incredible lesson with them. Douglas shared his testimony of the Book of Mormon, and he received his answer that it is true. He told us the worst feeling he's ever had in his life is when he stopped going to church. He wants to go back, he doesn't feel like he can. THIS IS WHEN THE MISSION IS HARD. I don't think the mission is hard. The walking, the language...that's not hard. Seeing these people, when they don't change, when they know its true, or don't know its true, not accepting the only thing that can really bring them happiness and blessings, when they don't do it...that's the hard part. We can't convince them. That won't do us any good...but we have to trust that the spirit will work on them, and with time, they will change. That is the hard part of the mission...it is awful actually. It breaks my heart...but I loveeee my life here in Guatemala. SO MUCH!!
The mission is the best thing that has ever happened. I have grown as a person, hahaha not size wise...I hope...but spiritually, and that's all that really matters. I feel that if a person can grow spiritually, every other aspect will grow. It is incredible. If one can have a testimony, and have faith in the spirit, the confidence comes, the success comes, and everything else comes. It is amazing. I cant explain to you the happiness that I feel. Sometimes I just want to run down the streets yelling to everyone. The other day my companion and I said we wanted to just stand up on the side of the curb and start contacting everyone walking down the street ... yelling. We actually do that...just in the buses. I loveeee contacting buses. We stand up in front of everyone and we share a short message and then go talk to everyone individually to get their directions. The mission is the best thing...MY mission is the best thing that has happened to me. I say my mission because I am growing more than anyone else that I may be teaching, I am sure of it. But I know that it isn't my mission, it is the mission of the Savior. I am not called to serve in a place...I am called to serve in place of the Savior. WHAT A BLESSING. WHAT A RESPONSIBILITY. WHAT AN INCREDIBLE OPPORTUNITY. I seriously can't express my gratitude for this experience. The time is flying wayyy too fast. But it is where I need to be, and it is what I need to be doing. Thank you for all your love and support and for the amazing people and examples that you are. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!
Take care of Morgan!! Please, I mean.
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