Monday, June 16, 2014


Here is the letter from this week! She is going to the temple tomorrow as a Zone or District, so she was online today instead!

Mi Hijita...aka my daughter.

It was AWESOME...I got your note and one from each of the kids for dad for Fathers Day!! He cried. End of story. Thank you for doing that. He loved your letter. It was a fun day, Gma and Gpa for dinner as usual which we love!


I'm so afraid you will be on here today because of going to the temple tomorrow, that I'm hurrying before I go cut the missionaries hair to write you. I hope I have time.

You were right. Here I am today!! I AM SO EXCITED TO GO TO THE TEMPLE!!! Also I have a little hope that I will see my MTC teachers in the Temple. The last time we went to the temple, my MTC teacher was hopefully I will get to see them again! Fun. BUT I AM SO EXCITED TO GO TO THE TEMPLE!! STOKED OUT OF MY MIND!

Yesterday was Spencer E.'s farewell. He leaves in a week and a half I believe. He did a good job. He's very ready to go.

That's too weird! I cant believe it!!

Alex is being ordained an Elder tonight at 830 so he can start to go to the temple asap. He had a great time in Newport. Julie said if everyone stayed he would have too.

So cool. I wish I could be there in the temple with him, but I am so so excited for him.

Your cousin update is a good one...she is doing better each day. In a nut shell, usually two steps forward and half a step back, but that is completely normal and to be expected.

Her name will be in the temple in Guatemala tomorrow. I know she'll be ok!

ANY PACKAGES YET?? I'm dying over that.

Nope...its been like a worries! But we have a zone meeting this week, so maybe I'll get it then. We shall see!!

So, think you can get a camera while your in the city? I hope so.

Not where I am...but one day yes! I will send pics today!! I HAVE A CAMERA CORD AND MY COMPS CAMERA!

How are the investigators? Did the baptism of Edgar happen yesterday? How is the rain? Is it getting old? Package, please??? Hehehe How goes the training? I hope you have a picture even from someone else of you two you could forward to me...
I think that's everything here. Tell us all about your week. Hope you are well, happy and safe.

I Love you so much! We all do. Take care of Morgan.

EDGAR GOT BAPTIZED AND CONFIRMED YESTERDAY!! It was the coolest day. We got to church, and Edgar wasn't there. Sacrament meeting started and Edgar wasn't there. The Sacrament ended and a group of people walked in the door late. Like half the ward...and Edgar wasn't there. Suddenly, Edgar came in, and I cant even tell you how happy I was to see that kid. It was the biggest sigh of relief! I was SO HAPPY! Anyways, we had a great turn out at the baptism. A great turnout. I was very grateful. The rest of the day yesterday was so weird. Like the weirdest, funniest things. My companion and I just were laughing. We were in this lesson and the man just wanted to fight with us. Finally we were like k, we gotta go. I started to pray at the end of the lesson and EVERYONE IN THE HOUSE STARTED TO PRAY AS WELL. But like yelling. We left and I felt like I was just in a prayer war. It was so weird. We just laugh all the time at the things that happen. I want to tell you about some amazing investigators that we have.

DENNIS! Best kid ever. He is 17, and he is the friend of one of our members...the member got baptized like year ago. Well this is the Dennis I told you about last week. Lets just say he is SO awesome. Stoked for his mission. We just gotta get him to church. He studies Sundays, so he is struggling with knowing what to do about the whole church thing. He is so cool though. He told us he doesn't have much support...well NO support from family, or co-workers, so its hard, but the feeling he has as he reads, prays, and visits with us is so worth it. He says he wants to be baptized, but he is nervous about falling...he doesn't want to make mistakes after...we have cleared that all up. He is soo ready. We are excited for him.

KEVIN! This cool kid who has never been to church in his life. He knows absolutely nothing...but we have had some powerful lessons with him. Well the other day he decided to tell us he was leaving for a month to work...I wanted to cry...haha but I gave him a Book of Mormon and he told us he was going to read it. When He gets back in a month, he will be baptized.

ANDY! Well he approached us and told us he wanted to learn about the church. He had some questions about Joseph Smith, but not like bad ones, like we usually get, like he was genuinely interested. Well...he is EQUAL to Scott Oliphant...they could be twins. It is too weird.

JOSUE! This way cool guy who is super interested, but I am pretty sure he talked to his pastor and now he has lots of doubts...but he is super awesome and wants to learn lots!

ELMER!!! This guy is incredible. He is living with another family..but he is super interested. He said he has received his answer and knows Joseph Smith was a prophet. He wants to go to church but has to change his work schedule. But he is like the most quiet, shy guy..but finally opening up to us.

These guys are all going to be baptized. I know it! I can't wait for them. It is such an exciting time here in Proyectos.

K the other day we went to teach Dennis in the house of a member. Well it was DUMPING rain. The roofs here are just tin, so when its raining it is impossible to hear. So we go to this lesson, and during the prayer, my companion was praying and I was just praying in my heart for the rain to stop so we could hear each other talk and feel the Spirit....Not joking, as the prayer ended, the rain stopped. Completely stopped. The whole lesson was peaceful...the Spirit was SO STRONG. The lesson ended, and the rain started. It was such a tender mercy.

We have had some crazy funny moments here in the mish. Here are just a few...
1...The other day we were contacting. My companion contacted this man. He was Jewish. Well he doesn't believe in we were talking..testifying..and all the sudden he goes...what do you know about the people of Israel...we both just stood there with nothing to I say....Pues Hermano, sabemos que eso es algo importante que necesitamos saber, y que cada uno de nosotros vamos a poder a recivir la vida eterna....HAHAHA WHAT! I have no idea what I was even saying...I just said it with a smile and was we walked away my companion and I just died laughing. Couldn't even talk....hahaha

2...There is this little boy, Jeffrey..he is 12...well we had him read a pamphlet about the restoration...after we asked him what he learned about Joseph Smith...he said, well I learned that even though I am a little boy, I can be a prophet....We were like GREAT: What Apostasy have we taught here....false hope for this little boy!! HAHA

3...Saturday we had the interview with Edgar in the 5....well at 445 we were still in a lesson...the lesson ended and we RAN to catch the bus...well all the sudden I fall in a puddle of water...and not wanting it to be awkward...well more awkward than it already was, because all of proyectos was watching these crazy Mormons running down the street...I just got up super fast and started up again. Welllll little did I know...right after I fell my companion also fell...but I was trying to act normal so didn't turn around and she told me later....we just laughed and laughed....hahaha

The mission is full of FUNNYYY, spiritual, life changing experiences. I have never been so happy, never felt so blessed, never learned so much, never received so many slaps in the face in my whole life. I have so far to go still to be more like my Savior, but I am so grateful for where I am. I hope that you can all realize how blessed we are. We truly have so many blessings, and we don't even know it. I am loving every second of what I am blessed to be doing here in Guatemala. Even when every appointment falls, which happened ALL WEEK, I can enter the house at night with a smile on my face. I know that this is the only way to truly be happy in this life. I know that this gospel changes lives. I look at all my cute investigators and I see the changes they have made and it just makes me so happy. There is nothing better in this life.



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