Friday, June 27, 2014

THE CHURCH IS SO TRUE. The mission is the best. I can't wipe the smile off my face. Literally. It is incredible!!!

Here is Morga's letter for this week. I say it all the time, but she really does sound soooo good. The part at the end I added from another email. She still gets to work with Amy Funk (her friend since Jr High school. I believe they are still living in the same home, just not companions...yet). Morgan is out 8 months at the end of this month. If I think of it in terms of months, it still feels like forever, BUT if you remember that 9 months is half way for her, it feels a little bit faster!!

Morgan and Hermana Zamacona (from St. George)

Welcome to Proyectos


Temple visit last week

The picture with the pizza is on our roof! SO PREETTYYY!!
We love pizza!

My shoes and fried platanos 

My feet nice and dirty and my companions feet nice and swollen!!   
(As a mom, I should not show you all this picture.  
I send a scrub brush and a bath scrubbie thing in that last package!  Hope it helps!)

"Just gotta start out by telling you the funniest thing that just happened!! We were on the bus on the way back from district meeting and I got off the bus. Well the bus starts driving away and I realize my whole district is still on the bus, WITH MY COMPANION!! I start chasing the bus, just running along side with my companion hanging out the door so we can still see and hear each other. I WAS LAUGHING SO HARD! The wholeee bus was watching the WHOLE bus, and just laughing at the GRINGA! hahahahaha SO FUNNNYYY!!!!

Well I usually copy and paste to try to answer everything, but this time my computer wont let me copy and paste, BUT I AM UPLOADING PICTURES AS WE SPEAK, so i hope it works!! So this was quite the week. I have some fun stuff to tell you all!! First off all, i am SO HAPPY FOR ALEX! The temple is the best. Take advantage of it while you can, because in the mission its rare. Speaking of the temple in the mission, we went last week! IT WAS AMAZING!! We did the whole session in Spanish and it was amazing! I was amazed at how i could understand everything. I have never had such a strong testimony of the gift of tongues, but it is so REAL!!

So I gotta tell you about out investigators. I will tell you about a few today. 1..Dennis...i think I've told you about him but i don't think i told you how we found him. So one day one of our converts David told us about his friend that he had that he wanted us to meet. He just told us his name was Dennis. That was it. He said he was going to talk to him and invite him over for an appointment one day. That was the end. Well one day we were knocking doors on this street and i felt very strongly to knock on this one door. This kid came to the door, and as soon as he said hello i felt so strongly, like a voice so clear in my head, this is Dennis. So i asked him, Is your name Dennis, and he said yes. Well we taught him a quick lesson cause he didn't have time, and the rest is history...well not quite, cause i haven't told you all. Well he studies on Sundays, but we had stake conference this last weekend with Elder Amado and Dennis came to the Saturday session. On Sunday night when we went to visit him, he said HE LOVED THE CONFERENCE. We asked him what he loved and he said, well everything, cause i know this is the true church and i know Joseph Smith was a prophet. I WISH I COULD HAVE SEEN MY FACE! My companion and I, our jaws just dropped, then I HAD THE BIGGEST SMILE. I haven't stopped smiling since. He wants to serve a mission. HE wants to be baptized. HE is switching is study schedule this next week so he can go to church! HOLY COW! I am so so so so happy and excited for him. He is so awesome!! We had a family night with him and David and our other investigator Arjona last night. What a powerful lesson.

Well we found him trying to find his sister, but he said he wanted to listen too so we taught him. He loved it. His dad doesn't really want him "wasting his time" he told us. He is 21, but he lives with his dad so he said, what we can do is if you come when he is not here, when hes at church...the only thing is we cant enter the house because there is not a woman we said, what if we go to the house of members...he said, oh that's great! Well he is progressing so much. He loves it all. He really wants an answer. He said, I do everything you guys ask me to do because i want to know. He just didn't come to church Sunday cause he hurt his knee playing soccer. He's so cool!

3....Sergio ..really short, we've only taught him once, but found him in the street yesterday and he said, why didn't you call me to go to church yesterday, and we said we did, but he never received the call...not sure what happened there, but he said he's prayed, he received his answer, and he said THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE MESSAGE! I LOVED IT! WHAT A MIRRACLEEEE!!

So we had stake conference this weekend...I just have to tell you about the funniest thing...we were sitting there enjoying a nice musical number, and all the sudden some man starts yelling the words of the hymn.. at first it caught us all off guard, but it was like part of the music was sooooo weird! I was just praying Dennis felt the Spirit. I've never prayed so hard during a meeting...i just needed him to feel the spirit so strongly. Obviously it happened!

I GOT THE PACKAGE!! THE shoes were very much needed! Thank you so much! The chocolate is gone, my companion and Hermana Funk and Yepez and I enjoyed it!! THANK YOU SO MUCH! THANK YOU SIS. VANDERLINDEN for the CHOCOLATE! Everything! THANKS!

My backpack broke again...i have to sew it every night..cause by the end of the day it just breaks again, but this weekend we are going to walmart, so i think i will be able to find one there and a camera.

We had our last zone conference with president Brough. He ends his mission this Thursday. It was SO HARD!!! I cried the whole time. I didn't think it would be so hard to say goodbye to them, but it was. They are amazing. Ganzie, his daughter told me she got really nervous when she saw an email from me on Facebook. HAHAHA We laughed about that for a good while. She said once she knew it was my mom, she was relieved! hahaha

The other day we were walking down this street and these people were throwing rocks at a dog...the dog was freaking out...i was kinda nervous, but we just walked...all the sudden the people threw another rock and the rock hit me...the dog almost attacked me but my backpack saved me...hahaha it was quite scary!! but funny!

We had a great lesson the other day with Edgar and the familia marroquin! We watched a movie called Gracia a el! Look it up, its like 4 minutes...well it is a powerful movie...then we asked everyone what impacted them. I didn't ask the little 7 year old cause i didn't want him to feel embarrassed...well he said he wanted to share something...he starts talking....Me gusto cuando....then he starts crying, this little 7 year old...cuando cristo cargo los ninos....I liked when Christ carried the little children. CUTEST THING EVER!! The spirit was SO STRONG!!

Wow, what a great week!! We don't boil our water mom...we don't wash our own clothes, we don't cook. The members do that, we pay them to help us out. The rain still come daily, but it is so fun!!

LOVE YOU ALL! THE CHURCH IS SO TRUE. The mission is the best. I cant wipe the smile off my face. Literally. It is incredible!!!

Hermana Oliphant"


"Oh and today i get to go do divisions with Hermana Funk again..well i think Hermana Funk, it could be Hermana Yepez..I'im not quite sure yet, but either way it will be fun! I don't want to leave the area, but for 1 day i think i can bear it!!"

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