Friday, June 27, 2014

THE CHURCH IS SO TRUE. The mission is the best. I can't wipe the smile off my face. Literally. It is incredible!!!

Here is Morga's letter for this week. I say it all the time, but she really does sound soooo good. The part at the end I added from another email. She still gets to work with Amy Funk (her friend since Jr High school. I believe they are still living in the same home, just not companions...yet). Morgan is out 8 months at the end of this month. If I think of it in terms of months, it still feels like forever, BUT if you remember that 9 months is half way for her, it feels a little bit faster!!

Morgan and Hermana Zamacona (from St. George)

Welcome to Proyectos


Temple visit last week

The picture with the pizza is on our roof! SO PREETTYYY!!
We love pizza!

My shoes and fried platanos 

My feet nice and dirty and my companions feet nice and swollen!!   
(As a mom, I should not show you all this picture.  
I send a scrub brush and a bath scrubbie thing in that last package!  Hope it helps!)

"Just gotta start out by telling you the funniest thing that just happened!! We were on the bus on the way back from district meeting and I got off the bus. Well the bus starts driving away and I realize my whole district is still on the bus, WITH MY COMPANION!! I start chasing the bus, just running along side with my companion hanging out the door so we can still see and hear each other. I WAS LAUGHING SO HARD! The wholeee bus was watching the WHOLE bus, and just laughing at the GRINGA! hahahahaha SO FUNNNYYY!!!!

Well I usually copy and paste to try to answer everything, but this time my computer wont let me copy and paste, BUT I AM UPLOADING PICTURES AS WE SPEAK, so i hope it works!! So this was quite the week. I have some fun stuff to tell you all!! First off all, i am SO HAPPY FOR ALEX! The temple is the best. Take advantage of it while you can, because in the mission its rare. Speaking of the temple in the mission, we went last week! IT WAS AMAZING!! We did the whole session in Spanish and it was amazing! I was amazed at how i could understand everything. I have never had such a strong testimony of the gift of tongues, but it is so REAL!!

So I gotta tell you about out investigators. I will tell you about a few today. 1..Dennis...i think I've told you about him but i don't think i told you how we found him. So one day one of our converts David told us about his friend that he had that he wanted us to meet. He just told us his name was Dennis. That was it. He said he was going to talk to him and invite him over for an appointment one day. That was the end. Well one day we were knocking doors on this street and i felt very strongly to knock on this one door. This kid came to the door, and as soon as he said hello i felt so strongly, like a voice so clear in my head, this is Dennis. So i asked him, Is your name Dennis, and he said yes. Well we taught him a quick lesson cause he didn't have time, and the rest is history...well not quite, cause i haven't told you all. Well he studies on Sundays, but we had stake conference this last weekend with Elder Amado and Dennis came to the Saturday session. On Sunday night when we went to visit him, he said HE LOVED THE CONFERENCE. We asked him what he loved and he said, well everything, cause i know this is the true church and i know Joseph Smith was a prophet. I WISH I COULD HAVE SEEN MY FACE! My companion and I, our jaws just dropped, then I HAD THE BIGGEST SMILE. I haven't stopped smiling since. He wants to serve a mission. HE wants to be baptized. HE is switching is study schedule this next week so he can go to church! HOLY COW! I am so so so so happy and excited for him. He is so awesome!! We had a family night with him and David and our other investigator Arjona last night. What a powerful lesson.

Well we found him trying to find his sister, but he said he wanted to listen too so we taught him. He loved it. His dad doesn't really want him "wasting his time" he told us. He is 21, but he lives with his dad so he said, what we can do is if you come when he is not here, when hes at church...the only thing is we cant enter the house because there is not a woman we said, what if we go to the house of members...he said, oh that's great! Well he is progressing so much. He loves it all. He really wants an answer. He said, I do everything you guys ask me to do because i want to know. He just didn't come to church Sunday cause he hurt his knee playing soccer. He's so cool!

3....Sergio ..really short, we've only taught him once, but found him in the street yesterday and he said, why didn't you call me to go to church yesterday, and we said we did, but he never received the call...not sure what happened there, but he said he's prayed, he received his answer, and he said THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE MESSAGE! I LOVED IT! WHAT A MIRRACLEEEE!!

So we had stake conference this weekend...I just have to tell you about the funniest thing...we were sitting there enjoying a nice musical number, and all the sudden some man starts yelling the words of the hymn.. at first it caught us all off guard, but it was like part of the music was sooooo weird! I was just praying Dennis felt the Spirit. I've never prayed so hard during a meeting...i just needed him to feel the spirit so strongly. Obviously it happened!

I GOT THE PACKAGE!! THE shoes were very much needed! Thank you so much! The chocolate is gone, my companion and Hermana Funk and Yepez and I enjoyed it!! THANK YOU SO MUCH! THANK YOU SIS. VANDERLINDEN for the CHOCOLATE! Everything! THANKS!

My backpack broke again...i have to sew it every night..cause by the end of the day it just breaks again, but this weekend we are going to walmart, so i think i will be able to find one there and a camera.

We had our last zone conference with president Brough. He ends his mission this Thursday. It was SO HARD!!! I cried the whole time. I didn't think it would be so hard to say goodbye to them, but it was. They are amazing. Ganzie, his daughter told me she got really nervous when she saw an email from me on Facebook. HAHAHA We laughed about that for a good while. She said once she knew it was my mom, she was relieved! hahaha

The other day we were walking down this street and these people were throwing rocks at a dog...the dog was freaking out...i was kinda nervous, but we just walked...all the sudden the people threw another rock and the rock hit me...the dog almost attacked me but my backpack saved me...hahaha it was quite scary!! but funny!

We had a great lesson the other day with Edgar and the familia marroquin! We watched a movie called Gracia a el! Look it up, its like 4 minutes...well it is a powerful movie...then we asked everyone what impacted them. I didn't ask the little 7 year old cause i didn't want him to feel embarrassed...well he said he wanted to share something...he starts talking....Me gusto cuando....then he starts crying, this little 7 year old...cuando cristo cargo los ninos....I liked when Christ carried the little children. CUTEST THING EVER!! The spirit was SO STRONG!!

Wow, what a great week!! We don't boil our water mom...we don't wash our own clothes, we don't cook. The members do that, we pay them to help us out. The rain still come daily, but it is so fun!!

LOVE YOU ALL! THE CHURCH IS SO TRUE. The mission is the best. I cant wipe the smile off my face. Literally. It is incredible!!!

Hermana Oliphant"


"Oh and today i get to go do divisions with Hermana Funk again..well i think Hermana Funk, it could be Hermana Yepez..I'im not quite sure yet, but either way it will be fun! I don't want to leave the area, but for 1 day i think i can bear it!!"

Monday, June 16, 2014


Here is the letter from this week! She is going to the temple tomorrow as a Zone or District, so she was online today instead!

Mi Hijita...aka my daughter.

It was AWESOME...I got your note and one from each of the kids for dad for Fathers Day!! He cried. End of story. Thank you for doing that. He loved your letter. It was a fun day, Gma and Gpa for dinner as usual which we love!


I'm so afraid you will be on here today because of going to the temple tomorrow, that I'm hurrying before I go cut the missionaries hair to write you. I hope I have time.

You were right. Here I am today!! I AM SO EXCITED TO GO TO THE TEMPLE!!! Also I have a little hope that I will see my MTC teachers in the Temple. The last time we went to the temple, my MTC teacher was hopefully I will get to see them again! Fun. BUT I AM SO EXCITED TO GO TO THE TEMPLE!! STOKED OUT OF MY MIND!

Yesterday was Spencer E.'s farewell. He leaves in a week and a half I believe. He did a good job. He's very ready to go.

That's too weird! I cant believe it!!

Alex is being ordained an Elder tonight at 830 so he can start to go to the temple asap. He had a great time in Newport. Julie said if everyone stayed he would have too.

So cool. I wish I could be there in the temple with him, but I am so so excited for him.

Your cousin update is a good one...she is doing better each day. In a nut shell, usually two steps forward and half a step back, but that is completely normal and to be expected.

Her name will be in the temple in Guatemala tomorrow. I know she'll be ok!

ANY PACKAGES YET?? I'm dying over that.

Nope...its been like a worries! But we have a zone meeting this week, so maybe I'll get it then. We shall see!!

So, think you can get a camera while your in the city? I hope so.

Not where I am...but one day yes! I will send pics today!! I HAVE A CAMERA CORD AND MY COMPS CAMERA!

How are the investigators? Did the baptism of Edgar happen yesterday? How is the rain? Is it getting old? Package, please??? Hehehe How goes the training? I hope you have a picture even from someone else of you two you could forward to me...
I think that's everything here. Tell us all about your week. Hope you are well, happy and safe.

I Love you so much! We all do. Take care of Morgan.

EDGAR GOT BAPTIZED AND CONFIRMED YESTERDAY!! It was the coolest day. We got to church, and Edgar wasn't there. Sacrament meeting started and Edgar wasn't there. The Sacrament ended and a group of people walked in the door late. Like half the ward...and Edgar wasn't there. Suddenly, Edgar came in, and I cant even tell you how happy I was to see that kid. It was the biggest sigh of relief! I was SO HAPPY! Anyways, we had a great turn out at the baptism. A great turnout. I was very grateful. The rest of the day yesterday was so weird. Like the weirdest, funniest things. My companion and I just were laughing. We were in this lesson and the man just wanted to fight with us. Finally we were like k, we gotta go. I started to pray at the end of the lesson and EVERYONE IN THE HOUSE STARTED TO PRAY AS WELL. But like yelling. We left and I felt like I was just in a prayer war. It was so weird. We just laugh all the time at the things that happen. I want to tell you about some amazing investigators that we have.

DENNIS! Best kid ever. He is 17, and he is the friend of one of our members...the member got baptized like year ago. Well this is the Dennis I told you about last week. Lets just say he is SO awesome. Stoked for his mission. We just gotta get him to church. He studies Sundays, so he is struggling with knowing what to do about the whole church thing. He is so cool though. He told us he doesn't have much support...well NO support from family, or co-workers, so its hard, but the feeling he has as he reads, prays, and visits with us is so worth it. He says he wants to be baptized, but he is nervous about falling...he doesn't want to make mistakes after...we have cleared that all up. He is soo ready. We are excited for him.

KEVIN! This cool kid who has never been to church in his life. He knows absolutely nothing...but we have had some powerful lessons with him. Well the other day he decided to tell us he was leaving for a month to work...I wanted to cry...haha but I gave him a Book of Mormon and he told us he was going to read it. When He gets back in a month, he will be baptized.

ANDY! Well he approached us and told us he wanted to learn about the church. He had some questions about Joseph Smith, but not like bad ones, like we usually get, like he was genuinely interested. Well...he is EQUAL to Scott Oliphant...they could be twins. It is too weird.

JOSUE! This way cool guy who is super interested, but I am pretty sure he talked to his pastor and now he has lots of doubts...but he is super awesome and wants to learn lots!

ELMER!!! This guy is incredible. He is living with another family..but he is super interested. He said he has received his answer and knows Joseph Smith was a prophet. He wants to go to church but has to change his work schedule. But he is like the most quiet, shy guy..but finally opening up to us.

These guys are all going to be baptized. I know it! I can't wait for them. It is such an exciting time here in Proyectos.

K the other day we went to teach Dennis in the house of a member. Well it was DUMPING rain. The roofs here are just tin, so when its raining it is impossible to hear. So we go to this lesson, and during the prayer, my companion was praying and I was just praying in my heart for the rain to stop so we could hear each other talk and feel the Spirit....Not joking, as the prayer ended, the rain stopped. Completely stopped. The whole lesson was peaceful...the Spirit was SO STRONG. The lesson ended, and the rain started. It was such a tender mercy.

We have had some crazy funny moments here in the mish. Here are just a few...
1...The other day we were contacting. My companion contacted this man. He was Jewish. Well he doesn't believe in we were talking..testifying..and all the sudden he goes...what do you know about the people of Israel...we both just stood there with nothing to I say....Pues Hermano, sabemos que eso es algo importante que necesitamos saber, y que cada uno de nosotros vamos a poder a recivir la vida eterna....HAHAHA WHAT! I have no idea what I was even saying...I just said it with a smile and was we walked away my companion and I just died laughing. Couldn't even talk....hahaha

2...There is this little boy, Jeffrey..he is 12...well we had him read a pamphlet about the restoration...after we asked him what he learned about Joseph Smith...he said, well I learned that even though I am a little boy, I can be a prophet....We were like GREAT: What Apostasy have we taught here....false hope for this little boy!! HAHA

3...Saturday we had the interview with Edgar in the 5....well at 445 we were still in a lesson...the lesson ended and we RAN to catch the bus...well all the sudden I fall in a puddle of water...and not wanting it to be awkward...well more awkward than it already was, because all of proyectos was watching these crazy Mormons running down the street...I just got up super fast and started up again. Welllll little did I know...right after I fell my companion also fell...but I was trying to act normal so didn't turn around and she told me later....we just laughed and laughed....hahaha

The mission is full of FUNNYYY, spiritual, life changing experiences. I have never been so happy, never felt so blessed, never learned so much, never received so many slaps in the face in my whole life. I have so far to go still to be more like my Savior, but I am so grateful for where I am. I hope that you can all realize how blessed we are. We truly have so many blessings, and we don't even know it. I am loving every second of what I am blessed to be doing here in Guatemala. Even when every appointment falls, which happened ALL WEEK, I can enter the house at night with a smile on my face. I know that this is the only way to truly be happy in this life. I know that this gospel changes lives. I look at all my cute investigators and I see the changes they have made and it just makes me so happy. There is nothing better in this life.




This is Morgan's letter from the week of June 8, 2014.  I am quite slow at getting this one out.  I kept forgetting.  But, here it is!

Hello -
So I have a couple of things I can't forget to tell you. 1-camera. 2-package, 3-Jacob 1:8, 4-FB of your companion, and I'll keep thinking.

1 - I wondered if I told you that Amy has had to buy a new camera because hers was stolen. Her mom told me that a couple of weeks ago, and I wasn't sure if I told you that or not. You can find out what she did to get one. 

I will ask her! I still don't have one, but I just use my companions camera and take pictures!!

2 - I have mailed your shoe package. It has, I think, all of the requests that you had. I am so worried about you getting it. I am so afraid they will go through it and take stuff out. I was going to track it, but there is no tracking information on my receipt. I hope that doesn't mean they did something wrong. It said 6-10 days to get into Guatemala, then I have no idea how long once it is there. I even said a little prayer, waiting in line at the post office, that you would get your package. Really? Yes, I did! Ask for it - you can tell them you are waiting for a package and wonder if they will watch for it. I was told that if we put pictures of Jesus and Mary on the package and over the seams they would not cut through them. We put stickers on there that say "for religious purposes". Probably a good laugh for you, but if it works, I will by soooo happy!

Where is your faith!? It will come. Dont even worry! Ya it is hilarious actually but it is great! Thank you so much!!!

4 - (skipping 3 for a second) I facebook looked up your companion. She is cute. I hope things go well for you two. I hope you continue to enjoy the time you have with her. Probably 12 weeks I would assume. I hate to tell you, but in 12 weeks you will be at your half way point - I think. I need to check. 8 weeks actually - July 30. Okay - I won't talk about it anymore. Just an observation. ( =) that's a smiley face in parenthesis - for me!)

THANKS FOR THE REMINDER....NOT. hahahaha but ya that is true...TIME IS GOING WAYYY TO FAST. I don't understand at all. But I am sooo excited I will have time with her. She is incredible. We have so much fun, but work SO HARD. Which is why I am so happy!

3- Now I will go back to 3. We did have a family night and talked about Jacob 1:8. 

WAY TO GO WITH FHE!!! Ok, let me give you the next topic...ready...hahahaha jk...but really I could if you would like. But I am so grateful for each of your responses....thank you for your testimonies and your love! LOVE YOU EACH. For me, as I was studying something that really stood out to me 2 Nefi 9:18 ...think of the humiliation he could have felt, and the people all mocking him. We must live life in a way like him. It doesn't matter what the world says, or if the world laughs at what we do...we do it anyways. 1, to show our love 2, because we are disciples of Christ. What an amazing lesson I have learned. Although sometimes it might be a little bit embarrassing to get up in front of a bus and contact them,, which for me I actually LOVE IT! It so so fun, or even back at home, to stand up to some friends....we must live in the way that the Savior would have lived, regardless of how much the people laugh. I always think of when Christ carried his cross up the hill...the people all laughed and mocked...yet he did it...for ME! WHAT!? But he did. He did it for all of us!

So, your turn. How is the mission life this week? How is the rain? (oh, I pray you get those shoes). How is your companion doing this week? I was wondering if you are still the retention something or other as a calling? I don't know if that stays with you, or changed to just trainer?! I mean not "just" but only. Tell us all about it. How is Edgar? Did he get baptized on Sunday? You thought he might early. I'm just wondering. How is Angel and Marisol? Did they get married yet? And I need to know is it "on-hel" or angel? We all hope it's "on-hel" because we know how much you love that name. How about Douglas and Magdelena! Any progress toward wanting to come back to church? How about the gal you met crying on the street. Is she any better? Less sad??...have you taught her more or even at all?

I LOVE THE MISSION!! Edgar is getting baptized this Sunday!! SO COOL! This kid is pretty perfect. Angel (Onhell) and Marisol have not gotten married yet, still working on that...but they are so PILAS! and going to church every week! Douglas and Magda are soo amazing. WE LOVE GOING WITH THEM! We had a noche de hogar with them last night and she gave us atol de Platanos...and Dobladas....SO GOOD! I'm obsessed. But we made goals with them that have to do with their reading in the Book of Mormon, family prayers and family nights and they are completing with their goals. Now they just need to feel comfortable going back to church. Rocio, the girl we found crying, is amazing. SHE KNOWS THE CHURCH IS TRUE!! She told us. She just works Sundays, and so that's the problem...but she is going to get baptized I know it!! We found this amazing guy Roberto. He is in a wheel chair. The first time we met him, I felt so strongly that he was going to be baptized. I think he is 17, and I literally love this guy. He is one of the happiest people I've ever met. We love him so much. He also told us he received his answer and he KNOWS!! AHHH that is the best sentence someone can say. His mom is very Catholic and wont let him go to church yet though. Also, if she is home we can't visit him. But he is awesome!! We have the kid in the ward, David, who got baptized a little over a year ago..He told us about a friend he wanted us to meet. His friends name is Dennis. Well one day we were knocking doors and this kid opened the door, I felt SO STRONGLY that this was Dennis. Turns out I was right...well the Spirit was right. It was Dennis. He was so excited. HE told us he has always felt something missing in his life...welllll we met with him again Sunday. I asked him during the lesson how he felt...he said...Tengo ganas de salir...which means I want to leave....We were like WHAT!? What did we say wrong...and then he goes, Quiero compartir eso con todos....aka, I WANT TO SHARE THIS MESSAGE WITH EVERYONE!! WHAT!! hahaha this kid is so awesome. His problem is he studies Sundays because he works Saturday. But David and he are going to go to a different ward for a bit that is later, until he can change his study schedule. HE IS SO AWESOME. Also we found this amazing girl the other day. We had an appointment with her sister in law and we got there and the sister in law wasn't we asked if we could share a message with her and she said yes. So before we prayed I asked her if she wanted me to pray for a special reason for her...she said yes! That about 4 months ago her baby died....WHAT! PLAN OF SALVATION!! So we went inside and taught the Plan of Salvation. He grandma is a member, less active...he grandma listened to the lesson as well. The both of them will be in church on is amazing how the Spirit works, and how Gods plan is PERFECT!! This cute girl, Katherine told us she has always wanted to go to church with us but never has had the opportunity....HELLOOO!!! PEOPLE, INVITE YOUR FRIENDS TO CHURCH! THEY WANT TO GO!!! THE MISSION IS THE BEST! I HAVE SO MANY MORE AMAZING MIRACLES. I wish I had time to share them all!! I love YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!

Any soccer games lately? What do you do for p--day now where you are? Is your weather hot, or what? And the rain, I guess, is going on too?

P day, we clean the house, make french fries, eat ice cream with Hermana Funk and Yepez, and NEXT WEEK WE ARE GOING TO THE TEMPLE AS A ZONE!!! I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED! I cant even tell you!!!!!

RAINYYYY! But today there is sun and its hot...but yes lots of rain.The people think we are crazy....NO soccer lately...but people are ALWAYS PLAYING HERE AND IT KILLS ME! I JUST WANNA PLAY!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, I have to quit or it will take your whole hour just to READ this letter, let alone answer it.


Wear your TerraShield!!


I am SO HAPPY! Wish you could all experience what I am experiencing. The best thing I have ever done in my whole life. It is seriously just such a joy. I have never been so happy. I have never felt so full. Full of love, full of the spirit, full of joy!!!

I promise pictures next week...its just that my companion doesn't have a camera cord...hahaha so we are both sunk for a bit...

My companions sister was companions with Mary Pingree when Mary did a little mini mission while she was still with her parents in Texas. Crazy huh. Also there is this sister in my zone name Hermana Belnap..she lives in Ogden-ish...she said she thinks she knows Steve and Kelly...I don't know!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

I am not called to serve in a place...I am called to serve in place of the Savior.

Hello - so here is Morgans letter for this week. I must say, it is my most favorite one in a very long time. She has that light back in her eyes (and I can hear that in her letter)! The light disappeared for a little while due to some hard circumstances she was experiencing, but I think that part of her mission is behind her now. She is doing so great with her new companion and we are so happy for her. Enjoy the letter. It is a good one! =) No photos, she still doesn't have a camera. Hopefully soon she will get one.  Lisa

How is your new companion...I hope things are great. At least good. Where is she from and what is her name. How is the training going?

I LOVE MY LITTLE HIJITA! aka daughter! She is so cute. She is from Utah, from St. George. Her family is from Mexico however, so she knows Spanish. Which is great. She is pretty much perfect at Spanish, there are just a few words here and there she forgets, but she is amazing. Her name is Hermana Zamacona... she is incredible. I feel so inadequate to be training, but I feel so blessed. She is here to work and she wants to be diligent and obedient. She is so humble, always asking what she can do to be better. To be completely honest, I have learned more from her than I am sure she has learned from me. Everyone says that the trainers have to be perfect...2 transfers before someone will train they get put on a trainers an option, and everyone says trainers have to be perfect....I do my best to fake it, but for reals, I feel like I am a trainer to learn from her. She is incredible. We have so much fun together. The spirit in the lessons is amazing. I have never felt so happy, so much spirit, so much love for a companion, or anything as I do right now. Everything is better. Everyone says training is awful and so hard...I absolutely love it. I feel so blessed. I am learning so much. I am growing so much. I am relying on the spirit so much. I just am happy!

Tell me about the mission life now...

The mission life is the bombbb!!! We are going to have a baptism. EDGAR. He accepted his date...15 of June...unless we end up doing it this Sunday, the 8th, but he is so ready and so excited. We always have a cute family, Angel and Marison, and I am sure they are going to be baptized...we just have to get them married first. I am so excited for this area. We are finding incredible people. The spirit is guiding us and putting people in our paths. I LOVE WORKING!! I am happier this transfer because we are working harder, therefore we are seeing the results and being blessed!! I LOVE THE MISSION!!

Any word on Amy...I hope they get to be there for a while longer. I wish that for you. I'm SOOO grateful she has been there through all of this with you. Her mom thinks she will be there for the next 6 weeks for some reason.

She is still here, and her companion...HERMANA YEPEZ!! My second trainer! IT IS SOOO FUN!!! This is the best house in the mission...well not the house...the house too, cause we cleaned it yesterday, hahahaha, but the girls in the house! I LOVE IT! It is so fun. Tonight we are going to order pizza and have a party!! WHOO!!!

Spencer got work off work so he can go to pioneer trek as a pa hopefully now. They just need to ask him to come. I hope they will, it would be so great if he gets to go.

SO FUN!!! I want to go. well, no, the mission is way better. But when I'm home, maybe so!! So fun. Hope he gets to go!!

I helped at Caitlin Ellis's reception on Friday night. That was so fun. They were married up at This is the Place's big old barn. She looked beautiful.

So crazy that she is married...what in the world!!! CONGRATS CAITLIN!!! LOVE YOU!!!

Okay, your turn...tell us everything. I want to hear about Morgan, the trainer and Morgan, the missionary, and especially Morgan, our daughter.

Ok. I am loving this whole mission thing. We see miracles every day!! Edgar accepted his baptism date, and I know he is so ready. The spirit was so strong. The problem is we can only visit him Sunday. So it is hard to get the lessons in, but all the same he is going to be baptized. He said he wants to serve a mission, and this cute member family said they would pay for everything if he went. This kid is incredible. Love him, and so excited for his great decision. I feel so much love for every person we teach. It is incredible. We have this other family, Angel and Marisol...they want to be baptized, they received their answers...they told us all abut it this past week. It was an incredible lesson. The spirit...SO STRONG!! Anyways, they just need to be married, and they don't have money for it...I'm pretty positive it doesn't cost like anything....just for the license. But we gotta figure that out. They are at church every week, reading the Book of Mormon...they are amazing. I LOVE THEM and their cute canchitos...aka white children. Everyone tells me they look like they could be my kids. Who else?...we had this kid ask us to tell us about Jose Smith ....and then he told us he wants to go to church. We were teaching another kid, Sergio on the side of the road and all the sudden he got up and ran away. We were like WAIT WHERE ARE YOU GOING!!! he was chasing the bus...hahahahaha we were dying laughing!! The rain has started..and when it rains, it pours! It is quite fun! People think we are crazy for being out in the rain, but we just enjoy it. Really though. We cleaned the house Monday...finally the house smells clean. I felt bad for bringing my new companion to the messy house, but she was great and we got it nice and clean. 

The other day we were walking down the street and this girl was walking and crying, so I stopped her and started talking to her. We were with a member...about her same age. We started talking and found out she just found out she was pregnant and the father of the baby didn't want anything to do with we talked with her, and by the end of the lesson you would have though the 4 of us were best friends. It was amazing. It is so incredible how the spirit guides us and how people are placed in our paths in the right moment. I have never believed in coincidences, but even more now...I KNOW there is no such thing as a coincidence. Every person put in our path is there for a reason. Ever thing that happens, happens for a reason. When all our appointments fall through, we don't get discouraged, because we know something better is going to come!!
We have been visiting this less active family....Douglas and Martia. Last night we had an incredible lesson with them. Douglas shared his testimony of the Book of Mormon, and he received his answer that it is true. He told us the worst feeling he's ever had in his life is when he stopped going to church. He wants to go back, he doesn't feel like he can. THIS IS WHEN THE MISSION IS HARD. I don't think the mission is hard. The walking, the language...that's not hard. Seeing these people, when they don't change, when they know its true, or don't know its true, not accepting the only thing that can really bring them happiness and blessings, when they don't do it...that's the hard part. We can't convince them. That won't do us any good...but we have to trust that the spirit will work on them, and with time, they will change. That is the hard part of the is awful actually. It breaks my heart...but I loveeee my life here in Guatemala. SO MUCH!!

The mission is the best thing that has ever happened. I have grown as a person, hahaha not size wise...I hope...but spiritually, and that's all that really matters. I feel that if a person can grow spiritually, every other aspect will grow. It is incredible. If one can have a testimony, and have faith in the spirit, the confidence comes, the success comes, and everything else comes. It is amazing. I cant explain to you the happiness that I feel. Sometimes I just want to run down the streets yelling to everyone. The other day my companion and I said we wanted to just stand up on the side of the curb and start contacting everyone walking down the street ... yelling. We actually do that...just in the buses. I loveeee contacting buses. We stand up in front of everyone and we share a short message and then go talk to everyone individually to get their directions. The mission is the best thing...MY mission is the best thing that has happened to me. I say my mission because I am growing more than anyone else that I may be teaching, I am sure of it. But I know that it isn't my mission, it is the mission of the Savior. I am not called to serve in a place...I am called to serve in place of the Savior. WHAT A BLESSING. WHAT A RESPONSIBILITY. WHAT AN INCREDIBLE OPPORTUNITY. I seriously can't express my gratitude for this experience. The time is flying wayyy too fast. But it is where I need to be, and it is what I need to be doing. Thank you for all your love and support and for the amazing people and examples that you are. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!

Take care of Morgan!! Please, I mean.