Wednesday, January 7, 2015

That is my goal....the ultimate goal.

Letter from December 23, 2014

Hello, "Oh what fun it is to..." see Becca come home. It was fun to go take her letter from you to her. Ashley babysat for a Rachel so the whole the family went up to the stake center for her release. So we went a bit early and said hello, hugged her, and gave her your letter. She looked good. She was happy. Today at church, your dumb mom, had to hug her again, and cried again!!! B-A-B-Y! I told her it feels like she was gone forever, and now that she's standing there, it's like she never left. She agreed. She said she is ready to sign up for another 18 months cuz it is so weird to be home. If they would let her, she would do it. She said she tried to write you a short email, but it didn't end up very short.

I cant believe she is home. It is too werid, but I did get the email and a few pictures!! I love her too much! SHE LOOKS GREAT!

Hailey Parkin is home and Ali Wagner will be on Monday or Tuesday. Her parents went to get her. They just had another tsunami in the Philippines. I bet it will be a service week for them. 

So fun!

I forgot to tell you, last week we went to find Jeremy a tie for winter formal and ended up at The Tie Shop and Josh was there working. That was fun. I gave him a hug and said hello. He asked how you are doing. I told him great, and I hope one day you will want to come home, or at least agree to it. I said right now, you really would rather not. That is good...for now.

Josh is awesome. He and Emily Jensen, who I think you don't even know, have been the only people who have written me my whole mission. They are awesome!! I am happy I am still out serving!!

Jeremy went with Sammie for winter formal. They had a good time. I will try to add pics in the a.m. I took a couple when she showed up to get him. While they did flowers. That was fun, too. They did breakfast and then after went to play laser tag. 

SO CUTE!! Such a handsome guy!

Tonight we got together with the family for Christmas dinner. Chris and Merrie and family didn't come, Lily has a fever. Shelley was also sick. It was a pasta bar and dessert. Gifts for the great grand kids, and our gift for Gma and Gpa. Julie had this awesome idea to give them money and a map of Utah. The money is meant for their quest to go to all the Utah temples. They have done lots of them already. Julie found a temple passport. It just gives details and history of each temple. They were excited I think. It was a fun idea. Better than just giving a gift to give something. The great grand kids did a little nativity act-out. It was awesome. Grayden was baby a Jesus and he LOVED laying there (in a storage bin with a blanket in it.). He was so cute. Then they all wanted a turn to lay in the manger. Pretty cute. I have pics of that too. 

Thats the Christmas gift I want!!! I LOVE IT!! 

Speaking of which, did you get your paper gifts/decorations out of your box?? Is the box in tact? I'm hoping it was all there. 

Got it all! THANK YOU FOR THE PACKAGES! AND GRANDMA AND GRANDPA! It is all great...I haven't opened all of the things from you mom, but Christmas day I will. LOVE YOU!! 

Primary was crazy. We sent the RS ladies to RS and taught sharing time all combined (we still had the men teachers). It was craziness. Last time for that; we don't have enough class rooms to do that in the new chapel. They can't all go to class at the same time now, well, staring Jan 4 (at 1pm I might add)!! Anyway, it's over and done. Whew!! 

Spencer is still working EVERY DAY. He was disappointed he had to work again today. It is crazy. I wish they would let them choose either a Saturday or Sunday. But nope, always Sunday.

Thats too bad.... 

Greg Watts homecoming was today with lots of great music for Christmas. He did a great job. 

The mission is the bombbbbb....just fyi! 

Okay, I'm done I believe. We Skype at 1040 your time, 940 our time, right?

YES 1040....I will call you just be waiting. I'm not going to write a ton today because I can just tell you on Thursday!! 

Your weather is to die for. Wow, 73 Sunday, according to the weather app. Awesome. I bet your loving that part of this area especially well.

I love this area. We see miracles every day. A quick miracles...I had come to work in this area in divisions a while back and we visited a less active family. As we were walking to find a lesson, we passed the house and the Spirit told me we should go there and reminded me that was where I had been before. Well we knocked and out came Ricardo...he is family of the less active family..he had been living in the states and just came back to Guate...he told us he would listen...well with more time he has told us he came here looking for something to fill the hole he has felt his whole life. He has had everything, money, a job...but feels empty...he is too awesome!! I am grateful for the Spirit and I am learning a little bit more about how to follow it!! 

Tell us how things are going. I'm going to start including Becca in this forward. She asked me to today. Anytime you want to write to the ward, PLEASE feel free. That would be great. For the April edition, you HAVE to do one..k?? (So end of March!)

I am confused at your companion. You said Hermana Villacis "again", is she your companion or is it just all 4 together? And, I hate to say it, but I don't remember that name. What can you remind me about her? Where is she from? I will read back and see if I can place her. 

She was my companion in San Martin right after my training...and yes we are all 4 together! I work with someone new each day! It is awesome! She is from Ecuador...I love it!! 

Okay. I have to stop -- you won't have time to respond if I keep going. 

We love you. Can't wait to talk on Thursday. We are excited. Spencer gets the day off! Isn't that nice.

That is nice. I am suprised actually! But it will be fun to talk!!

Do you get to play the piano there? Sis. Peterson always asks me that.

Here i dont get to play...they have an automatic piano and a girl with a calling to start the i don't butt in...hahaha tell them all thank you and give them hugs!! 

Love you so much!! 

I was reading a talk from conference by Lynn G Robbins...Which Way Do You Face? I LOVE IT!!! It is incredible - read it again!! I hope that just like when the people saw Christ they saw the father...that when people see me they can see Christ. That is my goal....the ultimate goal.

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