Friday, January 9, 2015

"I am being converted each day and i pray that my offering will be accepted."

The Christmas [tree] (That is the tree we sent to her.)

The Christmas [reminder]. (We sent this to her also.)

Divisions with Hermana Newman (her MTC companion)

New years eve lunch we made. the other sisters were on divisions.

Egg in a hole...aka [Dad's] cowboy eggs without beans. happy new years.


You never answered me and told me if you eye is better?!?!? I thought your picture looked like it was still red, but with contacts in. I hope it is better!! Do you still have contact solution left?

My eye is better. I just wore glasses for like a week. I took my glasses off in the pictures...but i had glasses for a while. I think i need you to send me more solution. I have 1 bottle left but just to be safe i think i need more. 1 or 2.

Thanks for the newsletter update. Next one YOU have to do is your last one. They are the best. I love it when the missionary writes the update, but the last one is the best one.

STOP. Too weird.

We took our tree down. I would love to see a picture of your "tree". If you got to use it, it would be fun to see. If not, or if it is already gone, that is okay too. And your wall hangings..

I did take pictures. I will send!!

So, do you think you will transfer again? I think you're half way through this transfer already. I feel like you have been transferring every time lately.

I am being transferred. President already told. I am going back to chimaltenango. Because right now Hermana Funk and Hermana Arguelles are there and they both leave this change, so i am going back because i know the area. SURPRISE. But i am excited. I love my chimal!!

I was thinking about the lady that cooks for you. I can't think of anything to say to her. Only tears might help now. If you shed a little tear and tell her you don't want her to feel bad, but that you are not feeling "healthy" with all the food you are eating. I don't know. Or ask the bishop of ward mission leader to talk to her??? Sorry. Not a lot of help!

We arent eating there as much. Maybe a couple times a week. And i feel better. WE even told her we didnt want to get fat so we could get married and she said we would just need to marry someone from the DR because they like fat women...hahahah 

Speaking of the DR...spencer tell Aubrie Colton that i know her companion Sister Navas....She is here in my stake and i met her the other day. She said to tell Aubrie hi and that she loves her!! kind of cool!

What did you do for New Year's Eve? Anything. We flopped. Ash went to Brinley's overnight, Spencer went to John's and they spent the night making a video tape dominoes course. It was funny. They were proud. They made a video and put it on facebook. It has 1,608 "views" on it right now. That's how many people have watched it.

New Years was normal. We didnt do anything special. hahaha Thats pretty funnny. Sounds like a great year...hahaha

Dad, Jer and I went to Gmas and Jer was so tired he left with Julie and Blake about 1120. Julie had to work at 5 and Jer was tired. He goes to bed at 830 usually. He was tired. So we came home after we cleaned up around 1140. It was sooooo sad. Shelley, Cary and Taryn, Julie, Blake and Seth (who left after about 15 mins) is all that even came. Oh well. Times change I guess.


Spencer and company just went to St. George and Vegas for the weekend. He got home late last night. 

Thats good. Sounds fun!!! Who is company these days? It seems to change a lot.

Saturday night Dad and I went to see the production of Savior of the World. It is the play at the conference center little theater. It was awesome. Lisa Ellis and Steve, Matthew, Mark and Grace Schwartz were in it. It was nice to go to it. We sat with Carl Ellis, he got us the tickets. It was so nice.


Back to school and work this week. Vacation is over. Back to crazy hours. But we will survive.

Justin Skinner came home. And Ashley told me about another gal, I can't remember who it was. I tried to find it on Facebook---no luck. Sorry. I will ask Ashley again who it was. Ohhhhh! She just text me back. It is Emmeline Zenger. She is home from her mission. Isn't that so weird. I am blown away by all the friends coming home.

Everyone is home. I will be almost last i think!

Okay - you're on. What is up? How was your week? Have you had a good week? Tell us all about you, you're people and everything we need to know. I want to hear!!

Love you so much. TAKE CARE OF YOU!!!
Love, Mom

This was a great week. I love my mission.

This week we moved houses. Just in front...we were renting the apartment of a memeber and she moved so we moved into her house. Its way better. Its bigger and only one story, so we love it. We moved yesterday during p day. LOVIN IT.

So i am sending you a letter soon with something calling Purification. It is incredible. IT will change your lives if you allow it to. I translated it for you guys so i hope it makes sense...sometimes my english is awful...and i cant spell anymore, but i hope you get it soon and can read it and do it. 

This week we saw mriacles after miracle.

First off, Freddy J. Saturday everything fell through. EVERYTHING and we were just searching for people...I had prayed and promised my Heavenly Father i would talk with whoever he put in my path so we could find who he wanted us to...we were in a colony and decided to leave and go to a different one. So we started to leave bvut for some reason started to walk around the soccer field rather than through it like we usually do to we turned the corner i saw this guys walking with his ipod in his ears so i ran up to talkt o him. We got talking and he told us he has friends in his work who are members and they had given him a Book of Mormon and that he had heard a bit about the church. I told him we were going to share a message with him there on the soccer field. So we did. He is aesome. I have never seen anyone so excited about knowing the truth. he said, I WANT YOU TO CONVINCE ME THAT THIS IS ALL TRUE. So we talked with hijm a lot...he is one fo those logical everything is we talked about faith. He is awesome.

The same thing happened yesterday...we arent sure what will happen with Christian P., but we were waiting for a bus and he walked up. So i decided to go talk to i finish contacting him and ask for his direction he just looks at me and throws his hands in the air and starts doing sign language...he cant talk. he understands everything, he can hear, but he cant talk. We were waiting there for teh bus for about 15 minutes talking ot him and laughing and getting to know him. he is very special. We just gotta get him to quite working sundays,.

It incredible. We really dont do anything.l....people are just prepared and placed in our path. All we have to do is open our mouths. I am just impressed.

As we finished reading Enos this month i am a changed person. President Markham asked us during Leardership Counsel how many days we were in te wilderness with Enos. I thought about it a lot...and i can honestly say i was in the wilderness wtih Enos for a good while. I suffered. I repented a lot. I am changed. My whole desires and life is different. I can honestly say that God changes our hearts as we allwo him to. Heleman 3:35 explains it perfectl. I am striving to be sanctified, as we all are, but i can honestly say that it is a process and i am thankful for a Savior who makes it possible. I am starting a purification 40 day fast. I cant wait. I will send it in a letter, and i invite you all to join and do your own. The point is to start with a prayer and a fast....make a list of all the things that take away the spirit and then do a covenant with God and for 40 days do everything to avoid those is the refiners fire. It is real. I can say that my only desires are to do the will of God. I will do whatever it takes. I feel like the King in Alma 22...what a blessing. I cant wait for each new second that i have to be a different me and to strive to be more christlike. I love my savior with all my heart and i am grateful i am able to reprent him at this point in my life and i want to do it worthily. I know that is is just the little things that we do each day that distract is. and that drive away the spirit. 

I wish i could express to you the love i have for my savior. For the people in guatemala. For you all. I couldnt find the way to explain it, but know that i LOVE you and i LOVE my mission. I LOVE my savior. I am being converted each day and i pray that my offering will be accepted.

Hermana Oliphant

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