Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Prayers are accepted...

HERE IS MORGAN'S LETTER - I have a favor to ask --- can we all combine our faith and would you all please pray for her with us? She is having another kidney stone she thinks! It just started this morning, and she is pretty sick. She wouldn't want me to tell you all that, so I just left it in her letter and you can read it yourself!! =) THANK YOU! (She didn't write much and was) gone very fast!) Morgans part is in maroon!!

HAPPY LABOR DAY! I doubt that is a world wide celebration, but today, Monday, September 1 is Labor Day. Yes, we had the sleepover. (I will send couple pics in another email.) It was chilly. This morning we had breakfast and played a game with tennis balls - Julie did it. It was fun. Last night Gma had photos of everyone as a baby and we had to try and guess who they were. Then we played bingo with pictures of everyone. Pretty fun!

Yesterday was Mike Dial and Morgan Evans homecoming. They did an awesome job. After it was over - your dumb mom saw Jessica, Lindsey and Katherine and went and said hello. Well, one hug was all it took and I was teary the rest of the time at church. It was fun to see them and I haven't seen them since, I don't know when, so I was just dumb and emotional. I apologized that giving them a hug made me cry! They just laughed.

cant believe they are home. that's so wild. tell them hi for me.

So that is about it. How is your new area. I didn't know you didn't have a warm shower since January. That is awful. Good thing you're not in Alaska. I have looked at photos of St. Lucas. That is one big lake it seems. Looks like you are on the most south end of it.

Did Angelica get baptized in this new area? Have you heard if Marisol, Angel and Tommy went through with their marriage and baptism? I really wouldn't be surprised if you got to go. If he really called someone, except, you are soooo far away from them. Well, closer than we are for sure.

Angelica didn't get baptized cause she drank coffee, but she is preparing to be baptized this coming week.

Do the people really not wear shoes? By choice or because of cost? How are your shoes holding up? I hope they are still okay!

I don't know if they just don't have them or the don't want them. My shoes are fine. I've been having problems with my foot this past week, so i have started to switch off shoes and see if that will help take the pain away in my foot.

How is your knee? I really want to know!!!! I need to know all about Morgan! So time to fill us in and tell us all about your week! We are excited to hear how things are going. I hope that all is well and that you are happy! We still pray for you every prayer.

My knee is fine. my problem right now is a pain my my back and stomach. it started this morning and it is just really strong. I've thrown up a few times. i am pretty sure it is a kidney stone. prayers are accepted. I received a blessing from the elders in my district today and i am just praying a lot. i just want to be able to work. that's it.

Well, we love you so much! I hope you remembered everything when you moved.

yes i have it all.

Love you sooo much!

I will tell you a bit about the week. I am going to be really boring today I'm sorry, but i am in quite a bit of pain and need to go buy some medicine. We have been working on finding a lot of new investigators this week to be able to find the people God has prepared. We found lots of new people. Some way more prepared than others but we are excited ab out them. I have learned to love my companion. I really do love her and i am grateful for her. We are enjoying our time together.

I just have to say that i am obsessed with the kids here. I think you knew that, but i am just in love with the little kids. I have never been so happy as i am when i am with the kids.

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