Well i wish i had updates ont he people in San Lucas Toliman but i dont. We had emergency changes this past friday we were taken from our area. We were taken from the mountains and the cold to the coast and the hot. There were just some unsafe circumstances that invovolved some gangs so they took us out to keep us safe. Nothing more than just the precautionary stuff. But we have had a CRAZY week!! But i will answer your email then fill you in on my week!!
A bit of my new area....
My foot is great. I have had no probhlems with it this week! MIRACLE number 9 million i think i nt he mission!!
Were you able to find a warmer jacket you were hoping for? Are you layering your sweaters and shirts and staying warmer? Do you still have your little fleece blanket you took with you?
No need for a warmer jacket here in the coast!!
Alma 26:22. We were at Kirkhams's fireside tonight and they were talking about their evacuation from Liberia. They used these scriptures and described how things "felt" for them. They were the mission pres there. It says, "22 Yea, he that repenteth and exerciseth faith, and bringeth forth goodworks, and prayeth continually without ceasing—unto such it is given to know the mysteries of God; yea, unto such it shall be given to reveal things which never have been revealed; yea, and it shall be given unto such to bring thousands of souls to repentance, even as it has been given unto us to bring these our brethren to repentance."
This is one of my favorite scripotures. Alma 26 has to be one of my all time favorite chapters in the whole book of mormon!!
D&C 84:88 - 88 "And whoso receiveth you, there I will be also, for I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up."
This is also one of my altime favorites. President brough always talked about how we have famioly members who have passed on and who are here with us as our angels. i have felt them throughout my whole mission and especially this week!!
These seem to me to be good scriptures for you and all you have been going through. D&C maybe comforts me...for you.
How do you cook/wash now?? Do you have gas stoves? PLEASE, make sure your gas is always turned off completely, if that's what you have. Pretty please.
As for now, in our new area, we eat in the house...we ahvent quite figured out the whole eating thing yet. That is the last of our concerns. As we are opening the area, or in other words, starting from scratch, we are more worried about the people. We have great memebers though willing to help!!
Ashley had a get party Friday night. We didn't think through that one very well. The homecoming game was the same night. Pizza, cake and ice cream, smores and the candy bar game. I think they had fun.
So fun!! I always love the candy bar game!! and good old smores!!
Saturday, Jeremy went to Homecoming dance. He seemed to have fun, but was tired. He had a water polo game in the morning. Dad said he was probably the MVP of that game.
I AM SO SAD I AM MISSING HIS GAMES! Honestly. That is one of my favorite things. Watching games...any type. Basktball, soccer, polo...it doesnt matter if i know the people and i get to watch them....gotta be one of my favorite hobbies....WAY TO GO JER!!! Keep being amazing!!! Way to go with the whole date thing!! wait is he 16??
Spencer brought a friend (Abby) home, he met her at UT State, and I don't know where he got her from on Saturday, but she needed a place to stay. So we cleaned off your bed and she stayed in there... in that not so organized place. I felt so bad. She is from Tampa, Florida and going on a mission to Nampa, Idaho on October 15. They are just friends. She was super cute and very friendly.
SO EMBARRASSING that she stayed there...but its all good...she wont even know who i am to judge me..
The house was a mess when we got there because elders lived there before. But we cleaned it up monday and its actually a really great house. We hear EVERYTHING that goes on out back in the church Principe de Paz, but its all good. It si a great house. In a gated apartment area.
My companion has really been struggling. As we left the area we didnt have time to say good bye to ANYÖNE. She had 4 months in the area. I only had 4 weeks and iot was hard to leave. We both left just crying...we didnt get ot say goodbye to AN¨YONEEE! and so much companion has really struggled with the adjustment. She has been very negative and very down, but i am loving every second ! Honestly. I lvoe this area. We find new amazing people EVERYDAY. The hard part is that our district leader is the elder who used to be in our area...so they moved to a different area here in the zone and the areas in their area moved to our old area in san lucas...so it was a rotation of 3 companionshiops!! But i am happy were we are. This elder that is the distrcit leader just tries to tell us waht we should be doing. Who we need to visit. and i realize he is just trying to help us out, but we are trying tto work here in the area now and he is kind of butting in. But we are praying for patience and trying to follow his counsel because he is our leader called of god and he is trying to hel pus out. But it has been a willlldddd!!! week! So fun and crazy. But i am loving it!!
We found this great family our first day here in the area. Rolando and Esmeralda. They are catholic but asked us right away why trhere are so many churches in the world. So we explained it and then we went back for our second visit and they are super excited. They want to be baptized. I know there is a reason we are here right now and not in san lucas. I dont know what it is. but i know we are going to find peopole int his change. We are going to find miracles because there is a reason for everything. I am excittedto see all the miracles that are in store.
We also found this great lady. I contacted her like our second day here. Well i was talking to her and my companion went and contacted this other lady on the other side of the street...so i just talked and talked with this great lady gabriella and her kids michelle and boris. We set up and appointment and went and visited them last tnight! SHE IS SO EXCITED TO GO TO CHURCH!! I have never had someone accept so easily. She is catholic but she is so open. She has been prepared. I KNOW ITI!!
Anyways, I dont have much to tell you. Its been wild and we are trying to learn the area quickly and we are trying to follow the spirit to do what we need to do in this are.a There are transfers october 1, and i have no idea what to expect. I assume we will stay here at least one more transfer, but i dont know. I love the hot. I really do. You all know i dont like the cold, and even though all we do is sweat here, i am LOVINNG it!! I am so grateful. I know that the Lord has a plan. Even though it was very unexpected, and some other missionaries arent super happy about it, I know theres a reason. I have seen too many miralces in my time here in the mission to not know that this is from a reason. It could be so that the people in San Lucas that we were teaching and not progressing like we were hoping can progress more, it oculd be just to teach me to have more faith...i dont know and im not worried about ti right now, but i know its for a reason and i now i will figure it out in time! I just feel grateful and bleessed and happy!!
Love you all so much! Keep being amazing annd keep smiling. Elder Ochoa taught us one thing that i lvoed....he said, ¨´All I want for you is that you can try to be a little better every day.¨Which i sfunny cause thats what ive been saying my whole mission. That all we need to do is try each day to be a little more Christ like. and that we int he end of our lives we can be satisfied and have peace. That is what i am tryhing to do. Im not perfect, not even close, but i am loving evlery second of being here and cherishing each second. I am trying to learn from each experience and trying to love the people anbd serve as a real representative of christ. Which is who i am. I am a personal representative of my savior jesus christ and i need to do what he would have me do.
A couple of other notes she sent:
1-Oh and we didnt write yesterday because the internet was down in all of this little town of Patulul. So we had to wait until today. hahaha rpetty funny but its what happens ihere in the coast. Sometimes the lights just go off...they like randomly go off and on allll dya long!!
2-hope the pictures worked....i will for sure be taking more pictures from her eon out because i have NO¨pictures form my last asrea. Like none of the lake of my investigators of the members...non!! I think i have 3 and they are silly...nothing of importance. I am sad i didnt get pcitures...but i wasnt expecting to leave so quick. so more pictures for sure!!
Hermana Oliphant
3-I jusrt wanted to assure you again, because i know how you are mom, that this emergency transfer was nothing. It was just to avoid any problems. There was nothing to be worried about. All is well and happy here in the coast! Just wanted to reassure you because i love you!! BYEE!!!
Hermanita Elefante!
I AM SO SAD I AM MISSING HIS GAMES! Honestly. That is one of my favorite things. Watching games...any type. Basktball, soccer, polo...it doesnt matter if i know the people and i get to watch them....gotta be one of my favorite hobbies....WAY TO GO JER!!! Keep being amazing!!! Way to go with the whole date thing!! wait is he 16??
Spencer brought a friend (Abby) home, he met her at UT State, and I don't know where he got her from on Saturday, but she needed a place to stay. So we cleaned off your bed and she stayed in there... in that not so organized place. I felt so bad. She is from Tampa, Florida and going on a mission to Nampa, Idaho on October 15. They are just friends. She was super cute and very friendly.
SO EMBARRASSING that she stayed there...but its all good...she wont even know who i am to judge me..
Alley's leave Thursday to go spend 2 weeks touring with Christine and bring her home. And the Burgoynes are leaving soon to go get Emily. Sunday, maybe. The Dunfords left today to go to Mexico to get Andrew. And Adelide gets home in about a week also. CRAZY!!!
K that just weirded me out!! I cant believe that they are lll coming home. I am toooo weirded out!!
I like your Daily Reflection Journal idea. I always have things that happen and I wish I had thought of something better to say or do.
I LOVE this journal. It has changed my life!!
How is the Mazat family coming along.
I dont know!! I AM JUST PRAYIING FOR ALL OF THEM SO MUCH!!! I know the elders who are ther ein the area now are taking care of them.
Angelica? Were you able to find her?
We did hear she went to church this past sunday!!
Dwan is sort of in "no change" mode. I think that is better than lots happening. She sounds like, from Janae, she is doing great!
Thats greaT!!
Why do those kids throw ants at you? Can you tell them something so they understand it isn't a nice thing to do?
They just love us...they just want our attention, but we wont have that problem anymore...they live farrr away!
Well, now it is your turn to fill us in on your week. I want to hear all about you and your work and your thoughts, and your foot, and EVERYTHING. K??
We love you so much. We are very proud of you and your courage and convictions and especially your dedication.
Take care of Morgan!!! She is a good, good missionary.
I hope to hear from Sis. Z on email day. I asked her to send us an update on your Proyectos family. Hopefully I can forward it to you as we are emailing.
So this past thursday we had a conference with Elder Ochoa. The area 70. It was amazinggg!!! I learned so much. WE did a musical number. Me and some other sisters and elders in my old zone in the mountains. It was really pretty. Elder Ochoa really just loves us as missionaries and we could feel it. But we learned a lot about what our roles here is as missionaries. He said we should have goals to baptized every week...Which is totally possible. but requires a lot of obedience, diligence and faith!!
Friday morning when we woke up we were informed that we needed to pack up and go to a members house...we had a man from the church security come to our house and pick us up. He took us to this way nice restauraunt for lunch....it was like red lobster...the only sad part is we cant eat fish here...but i had a great fettuccini alfredo with chicken and a frozen lemonade. The best food ive had in a LONGGG time! hahah then he took us to Antigua. There was stayed with some sisters over night while President figured out where we would go. Saturday Morning President and Hermana MArkham came to Antigua and spent the morning with us as we waited for the AP´´s to come and pick us up. We had abotu 2 hours with just us and pres and hermana brough (she is missing Pres. Brough - she meant Pres. Markham). Just talking. It was so great!! Then the AP´s came and picked us up and off we went. After 4 hours in the car with the APs and my comp we arrived in our new area. Patulul. In the coast. IT IS SO HOT! We go to bed sweating and wake up sweating. but I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. The people here are amazing. It is quite fun to open the area. Not knowing anyone. There are no directions here so we just have to figure out creative ways to find people and remember where they live.
The members are incredible. We had a baptism this past sunday. This cute 13 year old girl got baptzed. Anna. Her mom and sister were members. And now we are working with her brother and dad. He brother Juanito wants to get baptizerd. This is his last sunday working and then he cant go to church and be bpatized. Her dad as welll..he just has to quit drinking nd he has told us he is committed to quiting!! We are having a Family Home evening with them tonight that i am so excited about!! They are so ecited about it and the mom, Hermana B is oging to teach us to tortillar...aka make tortillas...but the good gautemalan tortillas!! I AM SO EXCITED!!! That is the picture i think i sent you...it is of this wonderful family!!
So this past thursday we had a conference with Elder Ochoa. The area 70. It was amazinggg!!! I learned so much. WE did a musical number. Me and some other sisters and elders in my old zone in the mountains. It was really pretty. Elder Ochoa really just loves us as missionaries and we could feel it. But we learned a lot about what our roles here is as missionaries. He said we should have goals to baptized every week...Which is totally possible. but requires a lot of obedience, diligence and faith!!
Friday morning when we woke up we were informed that we needed to pack up and go to a members house...we had a man from the church security come to our house and pick us up. He took us to this way nice restauraunt for lunch....it was like red lobster...the only sad part is we cant eat fish here...but i had a great fettuccini alfredo with chicken and a frozen lemonade. The best food ive had in a LONGGG time! hahah then he took us to Antigua. There was stayed with some sisters over night while President figured out where we would go. Saturday Morning President and Hermana MArkham came to Antigua and spent the morning with us as we waited for the AP´´s to come and pick us up. We had abotu 2 hours with just us and pres and hermana brough (she is missing Pres. Brough - she meant Pres. Markham). Just talking. It was so great!! Then the AP´s came and picked us up and off we went. After 4 hours in the car with the APs and my comp we arrived in our new area. Patulul. In the coast. IT IS SO HOT! We go to bed sweating and wake up sweating. but I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. The people here are amazing. It is quite fun to open the area. Not knowing anyone. There are no directions here so we just have to figure out creative ways to find people and remember where they live.
The members are incredible. We had a baptism this past sunday. This cute 13 year old girl got baptzed. Anna. Her mom and sister were members. And now we are working with her brother and dad. He brother Juanito wants to get baptizerd. This is his last sunday working and then he cant go to church and be bpatized. Her dad as welll..he just has to quit drinking nd he has told us he is committed to quiting!! We are having a Family Home evening with them tonight that i am so excited about!! They are so ecited about it and the mom, Hermana B is oging to teach us to tortillar...aka make tortillas...but the good gautemalan tortillas!! I AM SO EXCITED!!! That is the picture i think i sent you...it is of this wonderful family!!
Familia Rivas Roche! LOVE Them. The girls are all members...Anna, the oldest daughter just got baptized this past Sunday. The son Juan wants to be baptized, he just has to quite working Sundays and this Sunday is his last. The dad also, but he has to quit drinking and go to church.
But he is committed to doing it!
The house was a mess when we got there because elders lived there before. But we cleaned it up monday and its actually a really great house. We hear EVERYTHING that goes on out back in the church Principe de Paz, but its all good. It si a great house. In a gated apartment area.
Emergency changes = here I am in the coast. This is what we find in the house in the coast!
We found this great family our first day here in the area. Rolando and Esmeralda. They are catholic but asked us right away why trhere are so many churches in the world. So we explained it and then we went back for our second visit and they are super excited. They want to be baptized. I know there is a reason we are here right now and not in san lucas. I dont know what it is. but i know we are going to find peopole int his change. We are going to find miracles because there is a reason for everything. I am excittedto see all the miracles that are in store.
We also found this great lady. I contacted her like our second day here. Well i was talking to her and my companion went and contacted this other lady on the other side of the street...so i just talked and talked with this great lady gabriella and her kids michelle and boris. We set up and appointment and went and visited them last tnight! SHE IS SO EXCITED TO GO TO CHURCH!! I have never had someone accept so easily. She is catholic but she is so open. She has been prepared. I KNOW ITI!!
Anyways, I dont have much to tell you. Its been wild and we are trying to learn the area quickly and we are trying to follow the spirit to do what we need to do in this are.a There are transfers october 1, and i have no idea what to expect. I assume we will stay here at least one more transfer, but i dont know. I love the hot. I really do. You all know i dont like the cold, and even though all we do is sweat here, i am LOVINNG it!! I am so grateful. I know that the Lord has a plan. Even though it was very unexpected, and some other missionaries arent super happy about it, I know theres a reason. I have seen too many miralces in my time here in the mission to not know that this is from a reason. It could be so that the people in San Lucas that we were teaching and not progressing like we were hoping can progress more, it oculd be just to teach me to have more faith...i dont know and im not worried about ti right now, but i know its for a reason and i now i will figure it out in time! I just feel grateful and bleessed and happy!!
Love you all so much! Keep being amazing annd keep smiling. Elder Ochoa taught us one thing that i lvoed....he said, ¨´All I want for you is that you can try to be a little better every day.¨Which i sfunny cause thats what ive been saying my whole mission. That all we need to do is try each day to be a little more Christ like. and that we int he end of our lives we can be satisfied and have peace. That is what i am tryhing to do. Im not perfect, not even close, but i am loving evlery second of being here and cherishing each second. I am trying to learn from each experience and trying to love the people anbd serve as a real representative of christ. Which is who i am. I am a personal representative of my savior jesus christ and i need to do what he would have me do.
1-Oh and we didnt write yesterday because the internet was down in all of this little town of Patulul. So we had to wait until today. hahaha rpetty funny but its what happens ihere in the coast. Sometimes the lights just go off...they like randomly go off and on allll dya long!!
2-hope the pictures worked....i will for sure be taking more pictures from her eon out because i have NO¨pictures form my last asrea. Like none of the lake of my investigators of the members...non!! I think i have 3 and they are silly...nothing of importance. I am sad i didnt get pcitures...but i wasnt expecting to leave so quick. so more pictures for sure!!
Hermana Oliphant
3-I jusrt wanted to assure you again, because i know how you are mom, that this emergency transfer was nothing. It was just to avoid any problems. There was nothing to be worried about. All is well and happy here in the coast! Just wanted to reassure you because i love you!! BYEE!!!
Hermanita Elefante!
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