Lisa Oliphant <> wrote:
Earthquake?? Did you feel one yesterday?
Morgan Oliphant <> wrote:
ya!! It was wildddd!!! we were sleeping. my companion thought i was shaking her bed to wake her up, but was just an earthquake!
Lisa Oliphant <> wrote
Morgan Oliphant <> wrote:
not really. it was just fun!
Here is the letter for the week! It is long and I loved it! My questions are in green, her answers are in red (for those of you new to this strange moms weird way of forwarding her letters!) I might leave most of the spelling the way she sends it --- some of it is sooo funny to me. She is really having a hard time with either the typing (I think it is that because she said they are Spanish keyboards or spelling in general because she really does type sooo fast!) Try to decipher it all! It can be challenging!)
This is cute Allison.
This is Allison and Hesler.
Our pina and melon.
We ordered pizza again, but the jeans still fit.
My favorite missionaries.
We are just laughing, but the other one is blurry.
So, before I forget, I have to tell you, when I was reading your thought about Alma 29:9-10. I was reading out loud to Spencer and he said guess what, Alma 29:9 was my mission plaque scripture. I didn't know that. Thought that was a fun coincidence.
I LOVE THAT SCRIPTURE! Also, i found another one that explains my week and my mission....Alma 28:14. Read it. IT is so true!!!
I tried to find that movie Gracias a el...I can't find it anywhere. You can show us when you get home. I don't know where you went to find it originally actually. Was it (I still can't find it?!)
This week has been fairly average. Spencer went to Lake Powell with the Hansen's. We took him to N. Salt Lake on Wednesday night and they drove down---probably got there 1 or 2 am, I don't know. They are staying until this coming Friday. It's a long time. I just try not to think about it. Nate's dad made the mistake when we got there of saying, "thanks for trusting us to take him with us, we haven't had the best of luck there the past couple of years." I said really? He said, "let's just say we will try NOT to have anyone life-flighted out this year"! I wanted to say, you don't know me do you, or you wouldn't have told me that. Whatever, I asked Spencer to be super careful for me. I keep a prayer in my heart all day every day. Weird things happen down there, I don't love it!
HAHAHA obviously doesn't know you at all!!! oops! HE will be fine!
Ashley spent the whole week at Heidi's! She helped Heidi with her kids all week. Tuesday Kelly's family went to the temple and sealed her parents to their parents and then sealed them to each other, and then her siblings to the was pretty cool. Then they went to a Lagoon to celebrate. Dad and I met them there and just hung for a while. It was fun. The kids were cute and had a good time. She finally came home Sunday after noon. She didn't want to, she would move there if given the chance. Lots of babysitting and lots of horses with Amanda.
Cute pictures. What a fun way to celebrate...different kind of spirit, but still fun!!
For the 4th of July we went to a movie, you won't believe it, "Heaven is for Real". The story about that little boy who sees heaven during his surgery. You will love it. Dad, Jer and I. Jeremy didn't want to go, but I think he enjoyed the movie. He was super tired. I'm glad he came. He slept when we got home for like three hours. So dad and I rented "Saving Mr Banks" -- a Mary Poppins story. That was cute, too. Then we went and closed Jeremy's pool and as we drive back east we saw fireworks galore. That was cool. Everyone on the freeway was going about 50 to watch the fireworks going on. We went and watched them Thursday night at Granite High, so we didn't worry about Friday nights much, the pool closes at 10 on fri and sat. A couple pics for you to enjoy ... Pretty blurry.
Stop it!! I AM SO STOKED FOR THAT MOVIE!!! I will send you a pic, but for the 4th of July we received a pineapple and a melon from an investigator. She was so funny. At the end of the lesson we go, do you have any questions, and she says, just one, do you lke pineapple or melon more? We were like..uhh i dont know...she was like oh forget, you can have both of them. So we walked around with them in our backpacks all day. so funny!! Um, but this lady, Brenda with her 3 kids, Katerine, Carols, and Angel....i literally had this street pictured in my head for like a week. it was a street, i knew right where it was but we have never knocked doors on this street. It was the second door we knocked and this cute lady brenda let us in. She is incredible. We are still trying to get to know her, but she is super excited and intersted.
Your dad is opening Spencer's five pools while he is gone, so he leaves every morning at about 7 to start. It's good, it gets him up and going. He will have to do it again while Spencer goes on trek toward the end of July, so it's good practice.
Is he going to be a pa?
I can't get me mind off your letter from last week when you said, "We have funny stories every week. Some i wont tell for a couple months :)". You're a pill.
How are the investigators coming along? Heiyson, Sergio, Arjona, Yerani and Osmar. Funny that you remembered the Peter Pan guys name that you said your investigator looked like. Spencer laughed at that comment and at your "McFlurry of Kit Kat"...the Spanish translation wording. He thought that was soooo funny.
i cant speak englihs....its going to bad when i get home...i already know!!
How was the coast...meeting your new mission Pres and wife? Hope you will love them, too. Was it a neat area you went to? What are their names again, and where from, California I think.
WE actually didnt end up going to escuintla to see them...just an area about 15 minutes away that we go to all the time for meetings...but they are amazing!!! President and HErmana Markham they are from california. I AM SO EXCITED. He is amazing. She is so cute. She cant speak spanish for the life of her but the spirit is so strong when she talks. He talked a lot about covenants and the importance of covenants....we all made a covenant that day to read from the scriptures every morning and every night. 2 times a day for the rest of our lives. I HAVE NEVER BEEN SO EXCITED! What an amazing covenant and promise. It has been the best thing ever. The blessings of covenants are amazing, but only if we keep them.
You sound great. I am glad you are. I hope you and your companion are learning a lot together. How is that camera---keep it TOTALLY AWAY FROM MOISTURE. That could be what ruined the last one...maybe. Try a zip loc to carry it around in maybe.
The camera is great. I love my companion. I have learned so much this change. More than my entire mission, and more than my entire life. I AM SO GRATEFUL. we have changes tomorrow, but my companion and i are staying together....i kind of figured, to end her training...but i am so grateful!!
DID YOU GET GMA AND GPA's PACKAGE YET?? Now that one is killing me. I want you to get the socks is in there...badly! They want you to get their treat, badly!!
Well, tell us everything. I hope the shoes are working good. How is the new backpack doing? Glad you got a camera.
Do you still wear your night guard retainer? Spencer forgot to take his to Powell...that will hurt to put it back in!!
EVERY NIGHT and I am flossing. Tell Richard for me! HA
Love you so much, Morgan.
I HAVE SO MUCH TO WRITE: I dont know if you want the funnny or the spiritual first...lets stick with the funny.
The other day we were teaching a family....i started talking about Joseph Smith...and the man didnt understand what jose smith he goes...wait...why are you speaking english? I dont speak english? For like 2 minutes we tried to figure out what he was talking about...the only thing he didnt understtand was the name. it was so funny.
So yesterday we went with HErmana Thomasa to teach her son. He lives far away but has been staying with her. He is 21...well we taught, the lesson was great. He is going to get baptized and be a great leader in the church. At the end of the lesson...we had like 15 minutes maybe 12 til we had to be out of the house...we can only be in there for 1 hour...and they love talking...we they gave us food at the end...we were trying to eat so was like tostadas with chou mang on top...i hav eno idea how to spell that...anyways....all the sudden my companion starts laughing. SO HARD. no one knew why. Like she couldnt talk....we left the house and she goes....i was laughing at the bug on your food...i was like...uh what bug? She goes YOU DIDNT SEE THE FLY IN YOUR FOOD?! Uhh,.... no, because no one said anythig....turns out, i definitaly ate a fly...i had no clue...i ate everytihng...and way fast...and we just left the house crying we were laughin so hard.
Yesterday we saw one of our investigators on his is impossible to find him...he waved at us and we yelled at him and started chasnig him...we arent sure if he is hiding from us or really just never is in his house, so we saw him and started to chase him...we chased him all the way to his house so we could teach him....hahah oh we look like idiots running through proyectos....or like last night when we left the very last street of proyectos at 915 and we have to be in the house at we are booking it....and get in the house at 927....we could have taken a trici...a bike with a part to ride on in the front...all the trici guys were yelling at us to get in their bikes...but we didnt want to pay...also we were running faster than they could have gotten us tehre.
The other day we were teaching a lesson to this man about prayer...the word for pray in spanish ir orar....the word for save moeny is ahorrar....they sound very similar...welll we start teaching and i asked him when the lsat time was that he prayed...he said oh this morning...and i said why do you think we should pray every day? and he says, will i have my reasons...i was like uhh.ok. then he goes, are you guys going to charge me? we were like, no, just share a message. He says, ok. then we asked him why shjould we pray in the way christ traught us? he said, he didnt we read a scripture..he goes, wait...are we still talking about money? hahaha a good 5 minutes he though we were talking about saviing money...and we were talking about prayer...turns out hes never prayed in his whole life...
There was a fight in proyectos the other day and these two guys started throwing rocks at each i told my companionwe just needed to walk fast and get out of the way she saw the rocks flying and stayed put as i kept walking...all the sudden i turn around to make sure she was with me and she was no wehre to be found....there is a rock flying at my fast...and a man covered in blood standing 2 feet away from me....i freaked out...only because i couldnt see my companion....hahaha i finally found her and we just round out of was so funny after...we were both freaking out could we couldnt find the other...not because there was literal blocks flying through the air...hahaha i didnt get hit...dont worry...but it was wild!
Ok, i think thats it for the funny....
TYhis week has been amazing. We see miralce after miracle. We have experiences amazing.
Heiyson is getting baptized the 20...he would be getting baptized the 13, but he was late for sacrament meeting and they ahve to be there for the sacrament, even if the arent taking it. He brought his grandma to church and he is so awesome. As we taught him after church in the middle of the lesson he goes, hermana i have 1 doubt...when am i getting baptized...he is just SO EXCITED!!! I LOVE THIS KID!
The other day we were teaching a family....i started talking about Joseph Smith...and the man didnt understand what jose smith he goes...wait...why are you speaking english? I dont speak english? For like 2 minutes we tried to figure out what he was talking about...the only thing he didnt understtand was the name. it was so funny.
So yesterday we went with HErmana Thomasa to teach her son. He lives far away but has been staying with her. He is 21...well we taught, the lesson was great. He is going to get baptized and be a great leader in the church. At the end of the lesson...we had like 15 minutes maybe 12 til we had to be out of the house...we can only be in there for 1 hour...and they love talking...we they gave us food at the end...we were trying to eat so was like tostadas with chou mang on top...i hav eno idea how to spell that...anyways....all the sudden my companion starts laughing. SO HARD. no one knew why. Like she couldnt talk....we left the house and she goes....i was laughing at the bug on your food...i was like...uh what bug? She goes YOU DIDNT SEE THE FLY IN YOUR FOOD?! Uhh,.... no, because no one said anythig....turns out, i definitaly ate a fly...i had no clue...i ate everytihng...and way fast...and we just left the house crying we were laughin so hard.
Yesterday we saw one of our investigators on his is impossible to find him...he waved at us and we yelled at him and started chasnig him...we arent sure if he is hiding from us or really just never is in his house, so we saw him and started to chase him...we chased him all the way to his house so we could teach him....hahah oh we look like idiots running through proyectos....or like last night when we left the very last street of proyectos at 915 and we have to be in the house at we are booking it....and get in the house at 927....we could have taken a trici...a bike with a part to ride on in the front...all the trici guys were yelling at us to get in their bikes...but we didnt want to pay...also we were running faster than they could have gotten us tehre.
The other day we were teaching a lesson to this man about prayer...the word for pray in spanish ir orar....the word for save moeny is ahorrar....they sound very similar...welll we start teaching and i asked him when the lsat time was that he prayed...he said oh this morning...and i said why do you think we should pray every day? and he says, will i have my reasons...i was like uhh.ok. then he goes, are you guys going to charge me? we were like, no, just share a message. He says, ok. then we asked him why shjould we pray in the way christ traught us? he said, he didnt we read a scripture..he goes, wait...are we still talking about money? hahaha a good 5 minutes he though we were talking about saviing money...and we were talking about prayer...turns out hes never prayed in his whole life...
There was a fight in proyectos the other day and these two guys started throwing rocks at each i told my companionwe just needed to walk fast and get out of the way she saw the rocks flying and stayed put as i kept walking...all the sudden i turn around to make sure she was with me and she was no wehre to be found....there is a rock flying at my fast...and a man covered in blood standing 2 feet away from me....i freaked out...only because i couldnt see my companion....hahaha i finally found her and we just round out of was so funny after...we were both freaking out could we couldnt find the other...not because there was literal blocks flying through the air...hahaha i didnt get hit...dont worry...but it was wild!
Ok, i think thats it for the funny....
TYhis week has been amazing. We see miralce after miracle. We have experiences amazing.
Heiyson is getting baptized the 20...he would be getting baptized the 13, but he was late for sacrament meeting and they ahve to be there for the sacrament, even if the arent taking it. He brought his grandma to church and he is so awesome. As we taught him after church in the middle of the lesson he goes, hermana i have 1 doubt...when am i getting baptized...he is just SO EXCITED!!! I LOVE THIS KID!
The other day we went to a part of our area, called Planes de Barcenas. Well its like 10 minutes away from proyectos and alamedas in bus, so we dont go every day...but this day we had a couple awesome lessons we went, and when we got there...not one of our appontment was there...the problem is this area ia a residencial area so we cant knock doors...we decideed to go and look for people out in the street.,...we came upon this man...he lives in front fo a memeber...and he accepted to listen so easily...he and his wife...they are amazing. The lesson was so pwerful, and they are going to the temple one day. I can see it now. what a miracle.
MARISOL AND ANGEL TOLD US THEY WANT TO BE BAPTIZED. He is already planning on going to the MUNI to get married in august and then they are getting baptized. They were like well obviously we want to be baptized, now we just have to get HELLO MIRACLES!!! EVERY DAY!! It is amazing.
So we havent seen sergio for a long time, and last night....when we had all our appontments fall through, we saw him just standing outside so we went and talked to the end of the lesson we asked him to pray. He told us he has never prayed before in his life....every time we asked before he just wanted to do it in his head...but we decided tis time he had to do it. So he has never done a formal prayer in his life...just in his head....wellll he did it. It was the most amazing, powerful prayer...even though we had to teach him outside, the spirit was o strong. He felt it. HE told us. He is so cool.
K, everyone here studies on sundays.....i HATE IT!. Literally hate it. Dennis, Sergio, Rosa, this cool man we found in planes, Danny...Thomasas son..., the whole world...its cause they work during the week so study on the weekends. Me cae mallll.....
Dennis hasnt been able to change his schedule yet, but we are sure we weill see this miracle soon!!
So Arjona....we havent found him in FOREVER. yesterday we called him an dhe said he was working...we were like like whatever...we will find him one day...well at 855 he called us...from a pay phone...he was likerally like 20 feet from us..he was like, oh i see you, he came and talked to us..we decided to do a lesson...HOLY COW. This poor kid....he is strugglñniog...he wants to change so bad. He has made sme big mistakes in his life, but he wants to change..he is afraid of getting baptized and failing we talked to him...but not a ton...cause we had to get him...this is why we were almost late getting home...but we made a really great leson plan for him today...and i am SO EXCTIED. I have never felt so strongly the changing power of the atonment....with him...and then with Douglas....well Douglas, you remember our less active...the other night we went with him and we asked him to share his testimony...he has such a strong testimony...we asked him to share it because he always is telling us he neeeds more time...well, we wanted to hear his testimony...and we listened...he cried...then we asked him to share how he found the gospel....HOLY COW. I have never learned so much about the atonement...the atonement is powerful....and i just hurt listening to him...he is suffereing...he knows exactly the joy that we can feel as we have the spirit, but he also knows what it feels like to loose it....he is miserable...he just doesnt want to act..i think he is is awful. But this week, as we talked with out amazing investigators and less actives, i learned more about my savior jesus christ, and about the atonement and the saving and changing powerfs of the atonemtn. More than my entire life. I felt a littttttle bit of their pain...only a tiny bit...and it was so hard for me...but i found peace in the scriptures, and we found answers in the scripttures. Wow.
The mission is the best. I have never learned more in my whole life. I have never been happier in my whole life. I am just loving every second. I wont go back. One has to let the mission change them and i am trying my best to change and to be what i should. I am learning every day. the time is flying, and the people are changing. We literally see the change in them each and every day. it is incredible. I LOVE the scriptures. I LOVE GUATEMALA. I love my savior. He lives, and because he lives, we live. and we have second chances. WE have the opportunidad to become a different person. And it is never to late to start again. Because he lives, we have the opportunity to be born again, spiritually, each and every day.
MARISOL AND ANGEL TOLD US THEY WANT TO BE BAPTIZED. He is already planning on going to the MUNI to get married in august and then they are getting baptized. They were like well obviously we want to be baptized, now we just have to get HELLO MIRACLES!!! EVERY DAY!! It is amazing.
So we havent seen sergio for a long time, and last night....when we had all our appontments fall through, we saw him just standing outside so we went and talked to the end of the lesson we asked him to pray. He told us he has never prayed before in his life....every time we asked before he just wanted to do it in his head...but we decided tis time he had to do it. So he has never done a formal prayer in his life...just in his head....wellll he did it. It was the most amazing, powerful prayer...even though we had to teach him outside, the spirit was o strong. He felt it. HE told us. He is so cool.
K, everyone here studies on sundays.....i HATE IT!. Literally hate it. Dennis, Sergio, Rosa, this cool man we found in planes, Danny...Thomasas son..., the whole world...its cause they work during the week so study on the weekends. Me cae mallll.....
Dennis hasnt been able to change his schedule yet, but we are sure we weill see this miracle soon!!
So Arjona....we havent found him in FOREVER. yesterday we called him an dhe said he was working...we were like like whatever...we will find him one day...well at 855 he called us...from a pay phone...he was likerally like 20 feet from us..he was like, oh i see you, he came and talked to us..we decided to do a lesson...HOLY COW. This poor kid....he is strugglñniog...he wants to change so bad. He has made sme big mistakes in his life, but he wants to change..he is afraid of getting baptized and failing we talked to him...but not a ton...cause we had to get him...this is why we were almost late getting home...but we made a really great leson plan for him today...and i am SO EXCTIED. I have never felt so strongly the changing power of the atonment....with him...and then with Douglas....well Douglas, you remember our less active...the other night we went with him and we asked him to share his testimony...he has such a strong testimony...we asked him to share it because he always is telling us he neeeds more time...well, we wanted to hear his testimony...and we listened...he cried...then we asked him to share how he found the gospel....HOLY COW. I have never learned so much about the atonement...the atonement is powerful....and i just hurt listening to him...he is suffereing...he knows exactly the joy that we can feel as we have the spirit, but he also knows what it feels like to loose it....he is miserable...he just doesnt want to act..i think he is is awful. But this week, as we talked with out amazing investigators and less actives, i learned more about my savior jesus christ, and about the atonement and the saving and changing powerfs of the atonemtn. More than my entire life. I felt a littttttle bit of their pain...only a tiny bit...and it was so hard for me...but i found peace in the scriptures, and we found answers in the scripttures. Wow.
The mission is the best. I have never learned more in my whole life. I have never been happier in my whole life. I am just loving every second. I wont go back. One has to let the mission change them and i am trying my best to change and to be what i should. I am learning every day. the time is flying, and the people are changing. We literally see the change in them each and every day. it is incredible. I LOVE the scriptures. I LOVE GUATEMALA. I love my savior. He lives, and because he lives, we live. and we have second chances. WE have the opportunidad to become a different person. And it is never to late to start again. Because he lives, we have the opportunity to be born again, spiritually, each and every day.
Hermana Oliphant
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