Monday, July 21, 2014


Here is Morgan's letter from last week - how do I forget to forward these??? I do not understand that at all. Sorry - here you go! 

Not sure what happened but these blister slash cut things KILLED ME.

We found this closet in the house we never looked in...well it was the solution of the water problem...cause this closet was really a toilet...FULL of old crap from the old elders that lived in the house. IT WAS FULL. So yesterday we had to clean it was DISGUSTING. so we made our own little gloves out of garbage bags.

 Viva Guate!!

Wouldnt have been p day without pipza.  Pipza is what our good friend Evans says. He and Claudia are our friends at the pizza place. They always hook us up with extra pepperoni and cheese for free....they also are going to go to church sunday. Oh they are so great!

Wow i am still just in shock about Emma. Its hard to believe. I will never forget all the great times we had up in Idaho with them. I always looked up to her. She is one of those people i always thought was too perfect. Too good to be here. I know she is needed more where she is now. I cant explain how comforting it is to have the knowledge of the Plan of Salvation. She is one amazing person and is doing a lot of work where she is. I am praying for her cute family. That is what is the hardest. Thinking of her cute Nora, but i know she has a great daddy and emma will be right there with them every step of the way. Give everyone BIG HUGS FOR ME! PLEASE. I hope all goes well with the luncheon and everything. What amazing people there are in this world to help out with these things.

Well i dont have TONs of time but i will tell you all the good stuff. The other day i played a joke on Heiyson. Cause he was so sad when we had to change his date to the 20th of july...the other day when we went to plan his baptism and do the agenda i told him we had to talk cause we had to move his baptism again...OH MAN. You should have seen the poor kids face....i told him it was a joke and he laughed and it was great. Well he got us back Sunday. After church he said we had to suspend the baptism....should have seen MY FACE. The only thing is this wasn't a joke....We have to push it back to the 27th because his cousin Ema wont be able to make it...his cousin who is the recent convert...and he wants him to be there so we are moving it back a week. Let me just tell you about the kind of kid Heiyson is. Well the other day he and Ema went to do a visit with visit this other little 13 year old kid Victor. Well Ema and Heiyson offered to go pass for Victor to go to church sunday. Turns out Ema was sick...but Heiyson, our 13 year old investigator is passing for one of our other investigators to bring him to church...HELLO. He's too cool. He is seriously the greatest. We gave him a couple ties the other day that a member gave us to give to investigators and he was SO excited.

Miracle in Proyectos. This lady, Alva just moved in with a member family. She is living here with her little son Carlos aka carlitos...aka my best friend. Well she is GOLDEN. She came to church Sunday...she loves it. She will be baptized. She told us she knows the book of mormon is true. She wants to be baptized...we just have to put the date for sure for sure. But her little son Carlitos is the cutest kid ever. The worst thing is not being able to hug the little kid. He is so adorable. He didnt want to go to primary sunday cause he wanted to go to class with us cause he saw us there in church. He is the cutest 3 year old in the world.

Dennis is struggling right now. He hasn't been able to change his schedule yet. I was talking to him Sunday on the phone and when he told me he couldnt change it i asked him if he even wants to and he got really quite then goes, Hermana, you know that is my greatest desire. He is just struggling right now. Prayers for Dennis would be great.

Arjona also is struggling but in a different way. I dont know if i told you yet, but he is 21 and he LOVES soccer. Like its his life. He has recently gotten into drinking though...just occasionally with his friends...he is so silly. I get so frustrated with him...because he knows what he is doing is stupid...he just always says, poco a poco...aka little by little and we are trying to change his slogan to ire y hare...aka i will go and do. But the poor kid lost him mom 4 years ago...he uses soccer to get rid of stress, and apparently now alcohol. But we taught sabbath day the other day. I thought he was going to cry when we told him he couldnt go play soccer sunday. He goes...ok, listen. Ive had 3 girlfriends in my life. I left them before i would ever leave soccer...we were like well good thing this has nothing to do with your girlfriends and also good things its a commandment from GOD. Oh he just frustrates me but I love the kid. I just wish he would act. I wish he would just do it. He knows what he has to do...ahhh. We are praying a lot for him. He is reading in the book if mormon and this is helping him a lot.

My companion and i were talking the other day....we've had too many people breaking up with other word they tell us they dont want to listen...its ridiculous. BUT we know that means good things are coming.

Danny, Hermana Thomasa´s son is cool. I know he has his answer ...he is just afraid to accept it. He looks for things to like give him the doubts...he has his answer and he knows it. He is like trying to convince himself that its now true because hes been catholic his whole life. We are in a lesson with him the other day with his mom and little brothers..word of wisdom. WE ask is he has ever drinken alcohol. He says no...i says never in your whole life..he goes well...ok one time. from my mom...WE WERE LIKE WHAT!! hahaha he goes wait let me explain. Apparently when they were younger the 3 of them, the brothers always saw men drinking so they wondered what it tasted like. They were planing to buy a beer to try it. Well Hermana Thomasa heard and decided to intervene. She decided to make this chicken that you cook in beer...and she told her kids to come and try some of the beer. She thought it would help them realize how gross it really worked...they all remember how nasty it was and never want to try it again. Now i woudnt suggest this to the parents out there...but it was a funny story.

Mom if you go to pingrees homecoming ask them if Hermana Zamacona is there....she is my companions sister and served in pingrees mission. Just thought it would be fun for you to meet her. 

Funny stories.
My companion and I have had this problem recently arise. We will knock a door and something funny will happen and we start cant stop. The people open their door and there we are just laughing and cant even talk to them. 5 minutes later we can control ourselves and we contact them..the good thing is they like to listen cause they can tell we are enjoying ourselves..but its so funny as they just stand there looking at us trying to control ourselves.

The other day my companion contacted this lady. She was MEAN. She started yelling and as she was talking my companion whispers to me that something bit her butt. WE DIED LAUGHING. This lady, yelling at us in the street and us just laughing. So she got even more mad and my companion goes, disculpe pero algo me pico...aka sorry but something bit me. and the lady just walked away...some but bit my companions bottom and we were just laughing sooo hard.

The other day we were contacting and found this street we have NEVER SEEN BEFORE: WE HIT THE JACK POT. This street leads to a whole little its pretty big actually...WE ARE SO EXCITED!!!

Well thats it...the swimming pool is gone. I love m mission. My comp and I are still together with Yepez and Funk. Hermana Funks birthday is Monday so we are planning a PARTYYYY!! haha so great.LOVE YOU ALL.

Hermana Oliphant

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