Tuesday, April 21, 2015

"I am grateful for the chance that I have to be a representative of Jesus Christ."

"My birthday breakfast from hrmana wong and montecino..."

"...and my closet for the last 18 months."

my new companion. story coming shortly...


How are you this week? How was your birthday?? I hope you had a great day! I hope you were able to use some of the stuff we sent. I thought you could share the smarties with the kids. seems like you like to give them stuff. Anyway, HAPPY 21ST!!!

Thank you. I had an interesting birthday. I will explain it later, but I am grateful for the fun stuff you sent. thank you thank yoou!! just know I am craving a birthday cake.

Some gal the shop was saying there was a big earthquake in Guatemala. I said, well I didn't hear about it, so it must not have been noteworthy. I looked at an earthquake tracker, and there really are earthquakes there about every two weeks. Do you feel them? Are they just another thing for the day? Just wondered.

ya its kind of normal. we feel about 1 every week or so...just really small, i have only felt a few bigger ones that make one a little dizzy.

Tell us about your week. How did things go. What is schedule for this week for you?

Dentist appointment? DONE. I made it a long, long time ago assuming you would want one.

ya, cause my permanent retainer is broken....oops. funny yet dumb story for later on. sorry....

I'm grateful your knee felt better. And the "kidney stone".

What happened with Lenny? What happened with Estuardo? I'm so sorry for the bad bus ride with the yelling man. Hopefully it will have a positive effect on some of the people who heard and FELT the whole thing.

im getting there....

Your president's interview? All I can say is WOW! 

it was awesome. so much to tell you later.

Okay, your turn. I don't have much to tell this week. Keep pushing along Morgan. Keep working hard. We still pray for you every prayer.

Love you, Morga. I'm off to my dentist appointment soon. Take care of you.
Love, Mom

OK so its story time. the short version. Wednesday at 1015pm i got a call from the assistants and they said...Hermana Oliphant, you have emergency changes. tomorrow at 12 pm we will be at your house to take you to your new area Patzicia with your new companion hermana zepeda. So i said ok, and when i hung up i just started to cry. my companions started to cry and we just cried together for a bit. i was crying mostly because i didnt want to leave the people and my companions, but i knew there was a plan, and as i prayed i felt peace. So Thursday morning my companions made me a cute birthday breakfast of eggs, pasta, and beans. We went to go get my clothes from the lady who washes the clothes and then went home to study and do weekly planning. the assistants showed up and i went with them. my companions stayed and off i went with the assistants on the hour and a half car ride. i got SO car sick. hahaha it was funny. anyways, we finally got there and i went with my new companion hermana zepeda from el salvador, who i am training, she is just finishing her first transfer in the mission, and her old companion left with the assistants. 

So here i am in Patzicia. We are covering 3 WARDS. and it is crazy. but i really do love it. we have a baptism this saturday and possibly 2, one is the wife of a member and the other possibility is a 10 year old kid of some members we met last night who told us he wants to be baptized and he goes to church every week. MIRACLE!! but i am grateful. we have had some great miracles and there really are people progressing. we have seen miracles. i know i am here because i need to be here. i am learning to love the people quickly and i know it is going to be equally hard to leave them. but i am just so grateful..

So before i left my last area i called Estuardo to see if we could quickly go say goodbye to him and he started to cry on the phone.he said he was working and that there was no way he could go back to his house. anyways he promised me he would keep listening to the sisters and i know he will get baptized. i keep praying for him every day. it was hard to leave the area. 

So this week is normal. Everything normal. Sunday a general authority will be in one of our sacrament meetings. i dont know who but i am pretty excited. then monday is p day an tuesday is my last real day. wednesday is the transfer meeting and from there i believe all those that go home are going to the temple. then we go to presidents house to eat and talk ad have a testimony meeting and we will sleep there i believe and thursday early i will be on my plane ride home. its pretty crazy to believe and i am seriously in shock. i dont really know what to think, but thats the story.

This keyboard is really awful, and it is so hard for me to write. but the good thing is there is lots of time to talk coming. so anyways, thats the story. i love you guys so much. grateful for your love and for your support and for your examples. keep strong and keep doing the things that you know you need to do. i promise you that the blessings of the Lord will be fulfilled in the way that he has promised. You are my examples. I am grateful for the chance that i have to be a representative of Jesus Christ. I know He is my Savior and my Redeemer. i love Him and am so grateful for the peace we can feel because of Him and the enabling power of his atonement.

Love, Hermana Oilphant

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