Here is Morgan's real letter for the week of February 8. Somehow I put the wrong letter on here. Oops! This is the letter I couldn't put up until after my talk on Sunday, or I wouldn't have had to talk --- everyone in our would have already heard/read it. Hmmm, maybe that's not such a bad idea.
"Helping cook."
"Gladys and her kids."
Laura y Antoni"
"Estuardo and Leandro"
"Los Law, the senior couple coming home with me."
"Mis hijas and their daughters. They are both training."
"Hermana Zamacona and my grand daughter."
Well, she walked in the chapel right where I was standing, I stared at her for a second (like I had to take her out of your pictures and put her into my reality--weird) and she just smiled and gave me this huge hug. I considered it a hug from you by osmosis or something. So, of course, I cried. She said how are you. I said fine til now. I may have to cry. She said just cry. So I did. Then she said, Morgan is doing awesome! It was very fun to see her. Now, you have to know, she hasn't even unpacked her bags, so she has no idea where the letter(s) are right now.
I put it in her backpack....just in case.
Anyway, it was SUPER FUN to see Amy.
I can't believe she is home. She wrote me and it was fun to hear from her!!
Oh, she talked about how her mom told her she should wear some tights or socks to hide her legs and all the bites on them, but she decided no, it was a part of her mission and a part of her and she was proud of it. So after her talk, I went up and said I need to see your legs so I know what to expect. She put out her leg and then she said, OH, MORGAN'S ARE WAY WORSE THAN MINE. She said mine are healing, Morgans are awful. I had to laugh. It was a funny reaction she had. Sorry about your legs being SO AWFUL!
Mine aren't too bad. I think they will get worse here in Chimal!!
At Amy's meeting, I saw Lindsey, Danni, Brynne, Greg Watts, Jessica Smith, Abby VanTendrien. Megan and Mike Dial. Not lots of kids there that i knew, but it was good to see them.
Anyway, it was stake conference this weekend. Greg Popp got released as a high councilor. He asked us to ask you if you would come help them with mission prep - about the time you get home, they will be ready for the role playing. He wants your help. I told him I though you would LOVE that. He asked Alex to come and help him. I hope he will.
I would love to.
Speaking of Alex, he got home Thursday night. I'll add a couple pics on the end. The first time I saw him was at the adult session of conference. We sat behind them. they left a bit early so I didn't get to really talk to him until Amy's homecoming on Sunday. He was busy.
And, we took Jeremy to the Dr. last Wednesday and after a pretty thorough exam, Dr, Poku feels like he will be just fine. The high blood pressure---he told him to cut salt from his diet. So, all is well. Camille works in that office. Perfect for a referral and he is on our insurance.
Quick, amazing story, I got a blessing from my inspired bishop here in Chimal....he never knew anything, but he blessed, specifically, my little brother and my cousin...HE KNEW NOTHING. I know Al will be ok. They are both in my prayers, but the Lord is aware of them and makes it known even here in Guatemala!!
Jessy and Michael want to know if you got your package?? I hope so. They had to leave it at the door of the mission office. It was locked up when they came and no one was around except the security guard. They showed us their pictures of their experience. They loved it, but they did get super sick for 24 hours. They couldn't keep anything down and felt like then they were dehydrating. Anyway, they had a great experience and I told them you will probably want to see their pics in a while. They are happy to share.
Yes I did get it! THANK YOU!!
I'm writing my talk this week. I am going to sift through your letters because I know you have talked a lot about reading things in the scriptures. I started to read - every day. Even though it isn't a lot, I am doing it. The Blessing of Scripture by D Todd Christopherson (May 2010) - how they bless our lives, that is my topic. So I will try not to use all the good stories and leave you a couple to share. Any more suggestions??
I had a great study for you the other are some suggestions! very briefly...
I love Ether 8:26 and 1 Nefi 15:24...the words of Christ allow us have power so satan doesn't have that power...I testify of that.
In PMG chapter 2, chapter 5 and chapter 10 there is a lot....
2 Nefi 32:3..think of feasting on the words of Christ is like a buffet....there is a lot of food, and only the best,,,,we eat freely what we want an we get full...its the same with the scriptures...i t should be the same!
In PMG in chapter 2 there is a quote by Elder Boyd K. Packer in a little red box...LIVE WHAT YOU LEARN.....
Alma 31:5....the words of Christ have more power than a sword...
Also, DID YOU GO BACK TO CHIMAL? I think that is where you said you thought you would be going. That was your 8th transfer. CrAzY! I have a map!!
I AM IN CHIMAL WITH HERMANA MARTIN. She only has 9 months in the mission...and has never trained but she is incredible!! She is from Ogden, Utah. It is so fun to be in Chimal again and see everyone. A dream come true.
Okay, this is too long. I hope stay warm. I hope you are happy and healthy. I hope your legs heal. Use doterra bug spray. I think it can at least help...
I am doing great!!
What is your weather. I am afraid we have been warmer than your for the past couple of weeks. Amy's parents had her little open house thing outside. It was chilly, but so nice. Like 65 Sunday. It is crazy. Setting all sorts of weather records.
It is realllllly cold here! at night and in the morning,
AHHHHH--WERE YOU AFFECTED BY THIS VOLCANO ERUPTING? I think you are farther away from it, but obviously, I don't know. Jessy and Michael took a picture a week ago with that volcano in the background I think they were in Antigua for the picture, and now this week it blows. They also took a picture at the Antigua Arch. You missed them there I think by about a week I think. Seems like not too long a ago, a week or two, you were there and sent a picture of that.
We got a little ash in our area....but our missionaries in Antigua just had to wear masks!!
We love you. We still pray for you in every prayer. Tell us where you are, what you are doing, and who you are with. Are you still a sister trainer leader? You thought you probably would be.
Ya i am.
I sent a different email with the information about the gal that is from Connie and Craig's ward that left for your MTC last week. Look for that. It would be awesome to send a photo to her parents through Connie. They would love that.
Love your guts,
I dont have tons of time but so much to tell...
First off, my goodbyes were so hard, in my last area, but mostly to my missionary friends who went home. I cried more than any of them! hahaha but its good cause i know i will see them again!!!
I was reading in D&C 105:19. It is such an awesome scriptures. I know my mission is an offering, and i pray that it can be accepted. I will tell you i have learned more than ever in my missino. Sorry this keyboard i have is awful, and so this is going to be quick, also i am almost out of time, but i am so loving Chimal. This week we spent time getting to know our investigators. We have so many amazing people progressing and i cant wait to see all the miracles that are going to happen.
AMELIA AND TITO, from San Martin are getting sealed the 28th of February....unless they change it. hey are pretty sure but not completely...i cant WAIT!!!! So excited!!
I am going to send a letter soon with some cool experiences that i want to share with my family...but hopefully it is sooner than later!!!
Sorry im out of time!
Hermana Oliphant
Hermana Oliphant
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