Thursday, October 23, 2014

"My companion and I are just loving every second."


My favorite family. They just told me this week they are
moving again, but to the capital. I AM SO SAD!

And Juanito got baptized!!

We are obsessed with the cocos here!

We had to open the cocos with our machete that we found in the house!

Celebrating the birthday of Elder Cortez and Byron.
Ppday of soccer and cake with some members and investigators! SO FUN!

What happened with Juanito's baptism --- did it happen Thursday? And Emily? Last week was the first time I had heard of Henry I think. How is Stephanie? Are Bryan and Jennifer still interested? Are they reading?

Juanito got baptized Sunday and Emily Thursday! It was awesome. And Pablo is going to be baptized the 2nd of November...but we are going to ask him today if he wants to move it up a week because he can. I know he will say yes! HE IS SO AWESOME! We are so excited for him!! Stephanie fell off the face of the earth. We haven't found her again. Bryan and Jennifer are awesome as well as their mom. They are the cutest little kids!! We just gotta get them to church!

Your soccer game sounded fun. I feel like you should be able to give it your all, but if something happened, in Guatemala, that would be bad so I appreciate you being careful!! Very much!

That's my only problem. I would much rather be here in Guatemala right now than back in my bed....haha so i take it easy. But yesterday we played again for p day with the district and invited some members and it was so fun! I played a bit harder and my knee feels great! i am so glad! It is just too fun!!

Yesterday, Sunday, was Christine's homecoming. She did such a great job. She could have spoken the whole time. Next week is Emily Burgoyne's homecoming.

Wish i could hear them all! Record them please!

Okay - your turn. I don't know what else to tell you. Things are good. I wish we had that white truck you found in Guate, ours is almost on its last running leg.

How was your week? I know you will tell me later! But I have to ask!! Okay - your turn! Tell us all. Do you know if you are staying or leaving yet. My guess is you will stay. That might be next week when you find out not this week though!

Take care of Morgan! Love you so much! We still pray for you every prayer! (And we have added Alex to that!) He seems to be doing better, I think!

Love your guts,

What a fabulous week!! So I gotta tell you the funniest story. Sunday night we were on our way home to the house when we saw this lady walking down the street and decided to talk to her. Well we get talking and she tells us she is drunk...which we wouldn't have known if she hadn't said anything. She told us she wanted to give us an offering. So she starts searching her pockets, her bra, everything for her money and all the sudden pulls out a fist full of coins. She tries to give it to us as we try to reject it in a very nice way. The says, well if you don't accept it, it means you don't love. we tried to explain that we wanted her to have it for her family....well all the sudden she shoves her hand in my shirt and puts the money in and runs away. WHAT!!? HAHAHA we just died laughing in the middle of the street. Like 5 minutes later when we could breathe we went home. IT was 12 quetz of only coins. HAHA soo funny!! I cant get over it!

Ok, so i gotta tell you all but there's not much time.

First Pablo. I told you about him that he just got here to live with his sister. Well he has accepted to be baptized the first Sunday of November. He is so awesome. We are going to see if he wants to change his baptism date to this Sunday because he can. Pablo moved here because his wife kicked him out of his house. He used to drink a lot. He hasn't had problems with this in a good long while and he just wants to be completely obedient. He even asked us if it was a sin if he drew in his gospel principles book. hahahaha. Well They live a good 15 minutes in bus from the church so they have to pay passage each time. Well that was their problem for a long time, his sister and her daughters who were less active for a long time...well Saturday we went to their house and there were making donuts to go sell in the street to be able to go to church. All the family together! WHAT AMAZING PEOPLE! What great examples. There is nothing that should keep us from going to church.

Well Sunday we went to go get Lucy and Manuel to go to church. Manuel told us he couldn't go because they are moving and he had to go work on the house. We told him not to go and we would help them Monday. Well he didn't take it...he didn't go to church but Lucy did. Well after church we ate lunch and went to go visit Lucy and Manuel. We show up and only Lucy was home. Turns out Manuel went with some friends ... and was drunk ... AH I WAS SO SAD. Well Monday morning we went to go invite them to go play soccer with us at the church. Lucy told us they couldn't cause they had to go work on the house cause Wednesday they are moving in...we told them to come play and we would help them after. Manuel came out of no where and said, we are going to go play, don't worry. They showed up and LOVED IT! After we went with them to help them with the house. We practically build the house from scratch. A house of bamboo sticks and lamina. but its a great little house and they don't have to pay as much. Manuel also just went today to go work in his new job. We are praying so much for a miracles for them!!

This was a rough week, we felt as though no one wanted to listen to us, and it was rough, but looking back, it was a great week! 2 baptisms, and lots of miracles. 

Friday we went to the capital for a meeting and it was great. President Markham is a great person and i always learn so much. Hermana Markham can't speak Spanish super well yet so she always comes and hangs with me when we have these meetings. So during lunch i just told her about all our miracles we are seeing in this area and we just sat there eating our pizza crying together! hahaha soo funny. I love her! 

My companion and i are just loving every second. Today we are going to go visit Pablo again and i am just so excited! Pray for him that he will accept to move his baptism date up. I know he will because i know he is prepared. This week was another miracles week in church. We had 11 investigators. Which is unheard of...for me at least. Usually i have only had like 4, maximum. Well we are seeing miracles and i am so not ready to leave this area. We have transfers next week and i just pray that i get to stay. I want to stay here for Christmas! But we will see where the Lord calls me.

Love you all so much!!! I have been learning a lot about potente oracion (powerful prayer-I google translated it)...i don't know how to say that in English, but read about it in Enos....prayer is power!!


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