Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Mom: "HaPpY OnE YeAr week!" Morgan: "I cant believe how fast it has gone!"

Pablo with his sister Isabel and her kids!!

Hermana Alba from Mexico and I

Lucy and Manuel and Lucy's brother and sister Brayan and Jennifer! 
We made mac and cheese with them for p day!

Mac & cheese with Lucy!

Helping Lucy and Manuel get rid of their coffee!

Helping Lucy and Manuel (in their new house) pour the cement hahaha

This is how we cook here...thank you girls camp for helping me 
learn to cook on the fire (again in the new house)!  (Lucy and Hermana Alba)

I will not say it again, but HaPpY OnE YeAr week. I know, it's not what you want to hear, but it is a milestone, and so on Friday, Happy 30th, one year from the first day in Guatemala. That is amazing AND awesome! We are proud of you. You are an amazing missionary. I never hear anything but good comments from those who read your letters. They always comment on how upbeat and positive you always sound. Very cool, Morga! We are happy that you are SOOO happy. Keep up the good work for the next 1/3 of your mission. CoNgRaTs!!

I cant believe how fast it has gone. It weird me out that i only have 4 transfers left....WHAT!? it cant be right. But it has been the BEST year of my entire life.

I am writing Sunday night in case, because of transfer week, you are online Monday instead of Tuesday. I never am sure if that changes your email day.

Transfers are tomorrow so i am here today!

I sure hope you get your package this week. I doubt you will get ours that fast, but that would be an awesome blessing. I hope you can beg someone to bring ours to you as soon as it gets there. I don't want you to not have shoes. I hope you aren't wearing the holy ones anymore. They might cause your feet grief. Be careful with those feet. 

I am sure i will get it tomorrow. I am for sure going to the transfers meeting and so i am sure i will receive the package tomorrow. i might or might not be using the holy shoes still...and i say holy because its funny...and is only funny in English also because i cant remember how i would spell it otherwise.

Emily Burgoyne did a good job and yes, I am recording them.

Thank you! I cant believe she is home. It was YESTERDAY that i was in the house with her and her bad tonsils and my bad knee.

So, not much here going on...your turn. What happened for you this week? Did Pablo move up his date? You thought he might last week in your letter.

Just wait and i will tell you all about our week with Pablo!

Are you going into a more dry season yet? You're going into summer, right? Seems like you get rain every day still. I cannot believe how much it rains there, well, according the the weather channel app---they say it rains every day.

Well the rain stops like the first day of November everyone tell us. But we haven't seen rain in a few days. It is coming to the dry season but the cold months. I guess November and December are kind of cold...but cold here is still hot, just colder. hahaha

Have you heard about transfers yet? Seems like if you are training, you would stay in the same please for at least 12 weeks. No?? You are training still right? I cannot seem to remember your companions name? From Mexico?? I know you sent a group baptism photo, do you have one of just the two of you? I try to keep an updated one hung up, I would really like one if you have it -- of just the two of you.

If it does quit being rainy, does that mean the bugs will come out again? That's is bad. Keep spray on--all the time. Do you use your bug tent? I hope you still have it...and your mattress guard? protector thing?

There are a ton of bugs....and the big problem in the mission right now is they have made it a commandment to wear bug spray and use bed nets. I am not using the one i brought because they had everyone in the mission go out and buy ones that they will leave in the houses and always be there! 

Keep pushing along. Take care of Morgan. Keep drinking lots of clean water!!! Keep he liquids flowing. Stay healthy! Stay strong and happy, and upbeat and positive. You are awesome! We love you so much! Tell us everything!!!
Love you, Mom

Hopefully I'll add pics tomorrow. I have to go cut the missionaries hair at one. Jared Stewart is home on Tuesday. Late evening. I told the bishop I am 110% jealous. He just laughed at me. Laura can't wait. Take care!

So crazy that he will be home. HOW TIME FLIES! Tel him hi for me!!

OK HERE COMES THE LONG PART. We had quite the week full of smiles and tears!
So to start off let me just explain about Pablo. So i had told you we were hoping to move his baptism date up a week and that he was going to be praying to know if he should move it up. Well when we went with him to see what answer he received he just looked at us with this big grin and said, i am going to be baptized this Sunday! So we were so excited. We went everyday this past week to go visit him and teach him all that he needed to be prepared. He has been studying the gospel principles book and the Book of Mormon every day and learning so much and just LOVING IT!! So Friday we went and verified everything for his interview that he had scheduled for Saturday at 11. He said he would be there even if he had to walk (It is like a hour and a half walk) but he said there was no problem. So Saturday at 11:15 we called his niece, cause she is the only one in the family who has a phone. We call her and she said, "Listen, we have NO money to pay for the bus to get there and he was going to walk but we wont let him because he has a bad heart cause of the drinking he did before." So there we were trying to figure out what we were going to do. A cute member saw us and asked what the problem was, and we explained. She gave us 10Q and told us to go pick him up. So we run to get in the bus...its like a 20 minute bus ride...we get there and he and his niece come with us. We get to the church at like 1145 and Elder Cortez is there waiting for us all excited. He has his interview and all is well. He is all set. He and his niece told us they were heading up to San Lucas to get some money that a friend owed them so they could have money to get to church the next day for the baptism. Ok well we tried to convince them not to go because they had no money in the first place to get them there...but they said they would just talk with the bus driver and pay they go happy and ready. Well we had an appointment with Pablo later that day at 3 to go visit him and he said he would be back by then for sure. Well he wasn't home and his sister said she hadn't heard anything...we just figured it took longer than expected. Well we left the house and i felt very strongly that i needed to call him and make sure everything was ok. So i call him and he answered his nieces phone...and as i was talking to him i just knew it was bad. I had this new talent as a missionary, i can hear someone talk for 5 seconds and know they are drunk....well he promised me he wasn't drunk...but i knew better. As we were talking and i was trying to convince him to come back the phone died...his phone..and that was the end. Well we had no way of communicating with him that whole day or Sunday. We just prayed a lot!! Sunday comes and Pablo is usually there early waiting and he wasn't there. He nor his sister. Well after sacrament meeting we go outside to greet some investigators and his sister Isabel and her kids are just standing in the door. We walk up and they just looked at us..and said we have some bad news...and i just told them "I know..i talked to him." Well fast forward to today...NO ONE KNOWS WHERE HE IS. His family that lives in san lucas, his sister maria, the mother of his kids...NO ONE! No one has heard from him as far as we know. My heart is just broken. I am worried. I just cant even imagine. He was a person totally different and he just fell. hard. And it breaks my heart. I grew to love him so much as we were teaching him and now that i have to leave the area i am dying. I am just sick to my stomach. It has been a rough couple of days. I just pray that he is ok and that he can come back and start over again. Because he changed so much. When we met him he had been an alcoholic...big time. Like lived in the street begged for money...SO BAD. and in the 6 weeks that he was with us, he was a different person. Didn't drink once. He went from drinking EVERY DAY to NEVER. That is why he had heart problems...but he always just told us it was ok because it was just Satan working on him because Satan doesn't want him to be baptized. Pablo will forever be an incredible example to me of faith. He has been jobless for about 3 months now. He received a job offer about 2 weeks ago but turned it down and said he know God would bless him with a better job that he didn't have to work Sundays....What great faith! I cant explain it. This family is incredible. and my heart is just broken. I pray with all my heart that he comes back.

Well this week we had divisions. Hermana Yepez came and worked with Hermana Alba and I. Grandma, mommy and daughter! SO FUNNY! It was so fun! I really loved it. I am 99 % sure hermana yepez is going to come take my place here in patulul. Hermana Alba tells everyone her mommy is going to abandon her and leave her with the grandma. HAHAHA--funny! It was a good time though. It was nice to be with her again.

We have this adorable little investigator Ana Crisitna. She goes to church every week. I asked her one day if she was baptized because the Spirit told me to...well she told me she was and so i was like uh ok. well turns out shes not. She goes each week with this family that are members. and she loves it. She wants to be baptized, but soon. and we are just waiting for permission from her mom. I know it will happen, we are just waiting.

Well, we will see what happens with transfers. I will update ya next week. It has been a wild week and i am excited to see what is to come. I keep thinking this week, as i am hitting my year mark, how blessed i am to be here. It really is such a miracle. I am grateful for the trails i went through to get here. I am grateful for all i learned to get here. I am grateful for all i have learned here. I am grateful for the refiners fire that my heavenly father puts me through each day. I am grateful for the miracles of the mission. I am grateful for the spirit. i am grateful for my Savior. I am grateful for the gift of tongues. I am grateful for health and strength. I am grateful for the priesthood. I am grateful for a loving family. I am grateful for the miracle of forgiveness. I am grateful for covenants. I am grateful for the chance i had to be born in a family with the knowledge of the gospel. i am grateful for my mission. I am grateful for my wonderful life.

Hermana Oliphant

Thursday, October 23, 2014

"My companion and I are just loving every second."


My favorite family. They just told me this week they are
moving again, but to the capital. I AM SO SAD!

And Juanito got baptized!!

We are obsessed with the cocos here!

We had to open the cocos with our machete that we found in the house!

Celebrating the birthday of Elder Cortez and Byron.
Ppday of soccer and cake with some members and investigators! SO FUN!

What happened with Juanito's baptism --- did it happen Thursday? And Emily? Last week was the first time I had heard of Henry I think. How is Stephanie? Are Bryan and Jennifer still interested? Are they reading?

Juanito got baptized Sunday and Emily Thursday! It was awesome. And Pablo is going to be baptized the 2nd of November...but we are going to ask him today if he wants to move it up a week because he can. I know he will say yes! HE IS SO AWESOME! We are so excited for him!! Stephanie fell off the face of the earth. We haven't found her again. Bryan and Jennifer are awesome as well as their mom. They are the cutest little kids!! We just gotta get them to church!

Your soccer game sounded fun. I feel like you should be able to give it your all, but if something happened, in Guatemala, that would be bad so I appreciate you being careful!! Very much!

That's my only problem. I would much rather be here in Guatemala right now than back in my bed....haha so i take it easy. But yesterday we played again for p day with the district and invited some members and it was so fun! I played a bit harder and my knee feels great! i am so glad! It is just too fun!!

Yesterday, Sunday, was Christine's homecoming. She did such a great job. She could have spoken the whole time. Next week is Emily Burgoyne's homecoming.

Wish i could hear them all! Record them please!

Okay - your turn. I don't know what else to tell you. Things are good. I wish we had that white truck you found in Guate, ours is almost on its last running leg.

How was your week? I know you will tell me later! But I have to ask!! Okay - your turn! Tell us all. Do you know if you are staying or leaving yet. My guess is you will stay. That might be next week when you find out not this week though!

Take care of Morgan! Love you so much! We still pray for you every prayer! (And we have added Alex to that!) He seems to be doing better, I think!

Love your guts,

What a fabulous week!! So I gotta tell you the funniest story. Sunday night we were on our way home to the house when we saw this lady walking down the street and decided to talk to her. Well we get talking and she tells us she is drunk...which we wouldn't have known if she hadn't said anything. She told us she wanted to give us an offering. So she starts searching her pockets, her bra, everything for her money and all the sudden pulls out a fist full of coins. She tries to give it to us as we try to reject it in a very nice way. The says, well if you don't accept it, it means you don't love. we tried to explain that we wanted her to have it for her family....well all the sudden she shoves her hand in my shirt and puts the money in and runs away. WHAT!!? HAHAHA we just died laughing in the middle of the street. Like 5 minutes later when we could breathe we went home. IT was 12 quetz of only coins. HAHA soo funny!! I cant get over it!

Ok, so i gotta tell you all but there's not much time.

First Pablo. I told you about him that he just got here to live with his sister. Well he has accepted to be baptized the first Sunday of November. He is so awesome. We are going to see if he wants to change his baptism date to this Sunday because he can. Pablo moved here because his wife kicked him out of his house. He used to drink a lot. He hasn't had problems with this in a good long while and he just wants to be completely obedient. He even asked us if it was a sin if he drew in his gospel principles book. hahahaha. Well They live a good 15 minutes in bus from the church so they have to pay passage each time. Well that was their problem for a long time, his sister and her daughters who were less active for a long time...well Saturday we went to their house and there were making donuts to go sell in the street to be able to go to church. All the family together! WHAT AMAZING PEOPLE! What great examples. There is nothing that should keep us from going to church.

Well Sunday we went to go get Lucy and Manuel to go to church. Manuel told us he couldn't go because they are moving and he had to go work on the house. We told him not to go and we would help them Monday. Well he didn't take it...he didn't go to church but Lucy did. Well after church we ate lunch and went to go visit Lucy and Manuel. We show up and only Lucy was home. Turns out Manuel went with some friends ... and was drunk ... AH I WAS SO SAD. Well Monday morning we went to go invite them to go play soccer with us at the church. Lucy told us they couldn't cause they had to go work on the house cause Wednesday they are moving in...we told them to come play and we would help them after. Manuel came out of no where and said, we are going to go play, don't worry. They showed up and LOVED IT! After we went with them to help them with the house. We practically build the house from scratch. A house of bamboo sticks and lamina. but its a great little house and they don't have to pay as much. Manuel also just went today to go work in his new job. We are praying so much for a miracles for them!!

This was a rough week, we felt as though no one wanted to listen to us, and it was rough, but looking back, it was a great week! 2 baptisms, and lots of miracles. 

Friday we went to the capital for a meeting and it was great. President Markham is a great person and i always learn so much. Hermana Markham can't speak Spanish super well yet so she always comes and hangs with me when we have these meetings. So during lunch i just told her about all our miracles we are seeing in this area and we just sat there eating our pizza crying together! hahaha soo funny. I love her! 

My companion and i are just loving every second. Today we are going to go visit Pablo again and i am just so excited! Pray for him that he will accept to move his baptism date up. I know he will because i know he is prepared. This week was another miracles week in church. We had 11 investigators. Which is unheard of...for me at least. Usually i have only had like 4, maximum. Well we are seeing miracles and i am so not ready to leave this area. We have transfers next week and i just pray that i get to stay. I want to stay here for Christmas! But we will see where the Lord calls me.

Love you all so much!!! I have been learning a lot about potente oracion (powerful prayer-I google translated it)...i don't know how to say that in English, but read about it in Enos....prayer is power!!


Friday, October 17, 2014

"I am just so happy here. I feel like I am in heaven."

Here is Morgan's letter for this week. She is busy as can be and doing well--great actually! 

"Look what i found here in Patulul." 
(The truck, just like she used to drive here at home. -- That's what she found!)

Ok, well i just hope you are excited for an amazing email because this was an amazing week!! First though i will try to respond to your email. I love the busy week. Busy is better than boring. I'm glad all worked out though. I'm glad all went well with Spencer's surgery. Prayers were sent out for him clear from Guatemala. Also i am glad Ashley's foot is all better. Tell her to take care. Typical Spencer not taking pain pills. hahaha that doesn't even surprise me. He is too funny. I wish i had seen him all loopy. I remember when he had his wisdom teeth out and was singing Elmo! HAHAHA oh my, that was too funny. I had it recorded on my phone for ages. For the shoes go ahead and sent the grey ones because what comes in this month is the HOT season and i think grey will be a little better maybe. THANK YOU. I AM SO EXCITED FOR THE RINGS! Seriously! And the journal tell Nicole and Eric THANK YOU!!!! I am almost out of the journal pages. I sent a pic of my companion and i last week with the baptism photo...she is the one on the other side of Imelda.

OK WHAT A WEEK FULL OF MIRACLES!!!! Lets just start off by saying that Sunday was a day full of smiles and I cant seem to wipe the smile off my face still. We went in the morning to pass by for a ton of investigators to go to church and no one that said they would be home were home. So we were a little bummed but we went for Manuel and Lucy and Manuel was sick..but Lucy and her little sister Jennifer came. We got to church and turned out we had ELEVEN investigators there. We were just in shock. Totally in amazement and I know that it was just one big miracle. We had some miracle people who had never been before but made the decision that this would be the week. We were so SO excited!! Oh also another little plus of the week is yesterday. We had zone p day and played soccer. I still cant play like i would like kind of kills me to not be able to give it my all, but it was still fun. I was loving every second. I got sunburned for sure, but it was fun.

So i want to just tell you about the people here and what is going down with them. This Sunday we had 5 confirmation in the rama. Imelda being one of them. It was special, to see all of them sitting there together. Also, Juanito is all ready to be baptized this coming Sunday. We are so excited for him as he is SO EXCITED!! 

LUCY AND MANUEL!!!!! I am obsessed with them. Literally. I love them so much. They have had a rough week. Manuel spent the last week working, which was something amazing for them because he hasn't had work for a LONG time. Well he found work and was gone all week until Saturday night came back. Well Friday some people came and took their bed...because they hadn't been able to pay for it, they got it taken away...and Lucy was so sad, but when Manuel got back and we went to visit them he just cried. We just sat there trying to comfort them both just crying. I told you how we saw Manuel drunk and that was hard, but i think it was harder to see him crying, Completely feeling helpless. He just amazes me though because yesterday as we were sitting there with them and the Roche family in the family home evening, and he got word that this week he would not being going to work. Again, they were both SO sad. He stayed strong this time as Lucy was really down. During this whole family night as we would read scriptures and ask questions, Manuel had the answers for everything. He was the only one out of the whole group who had read in his Book of Mormon in the past days. Well as he received the word about his work, he didn't get down. They really are using this as an opportunity to grow closer to their Savior and Father in Heaven. He is focusing more on the spiritual side of things. They have committed to being baptized the 9th of November. We have to get them married first, but I have faith we are going to see this miracle. Lucy told us that she knows the church is true. She is all but ready to be baptized, but they have to be married first. Manuel is changing amazingly. We are just so happy and so excited for them. The other day we went to a members house with them for a lesson and Lucy asked me if we were going to go visit the family Roche after and I asked her why. She told me she wanted to continue to be with us and so if we were going there she was going with us. I am just so happy!! We are now teaching Lucys little brother and sister, Bryan and Jennifer, who are LOVING IT! Jenny went to church Sunday and Bryan was going to but was sick with a fever. We had given jenny a Book of Mormon and when, by miracle we found where they lived and taught their mom and Bryan, Bryan, at the end of the lesson looked at us and said, what do i have to do to get one of those books? Hahahaha he was so excited to receive his own. He is 11 and jenny is 9. 

As this week was fast Sunday during testimony meeting, Henry, remember him, the less active family that came back and Emily their daughter is getting baptized Thursday!!! Well Henry got up and bore his testimony and started to talk about how they had been very inactive and then a change happened suddenly in their lives that he had never expected. He said, the elders left the area and then came the sisters and talked about how we had a special something that their family needed, and that now he is happier than ever to be able to baptize his daughter. He just talked about how grateful he was. In this moment I felt strongly that i had been sent to this area not by accident. Although it was a very unexpected transfer, i know it was for a reason. I love that family and i am so excited for Emilys baptism!!

We met this great girl Stephanie. We knocked on her door and she and her mom and sister left, well her mom and her sister didn't want any thing to do with us but she was very interested. She is 19 and we taught her and it was a great lesson and at the end of the lesson as we challenged her to be baptized she said yes and said...I am going to be honest, from the moment i saw you two, i knew....WHAT!!! We were just amazed. These people are being prepared. LOOK FOR THEM! They are everywhere! It was such a miracle. She lives with her family though and said she has to have permission. But i know we will see another miracle with her.

i don't know if i told you about Kevin. We found him about 2 weeks ago. Well he is awesome. His dad is a little bugger because just likes to cause contention well the other day we found Kevin without his dad and we started talking. He has such a desire to prepare for when Christ comes again. He told us that he wants us to visit him this week and we asked him when and he said not Tuesday because my dad will be home, so Wednesday. Hahaha its just great because he recognized that his dad is just trying to cause contention and Kevin really has a desire. He is always there waiting for when we get there to teach him and loves it all. He was for sure going to go to church Sunday but had to do something. He had to go to the capital with the cops to get some paperwork or something. But this week we will see a miracle i am sure!! 

Well it was a greatttttt week!! I am just so happy here. I feel like i am in heaven. We only have like a week and a half left in this transfer and i am praying i get to stay. I would love to end my mission here. As i only have 4 more transfers it could happen, but we will see. I just love this are and the people and i know i am here for a reason and i feel such a need to find EVERYONE! And as we keep seeing miracles i know there are more in store. But i just am grateful for the hand of the Lord in all things. I know that i don't do anything, but that the spirit changes the hearts of the people. I am grateful for all the experiences that i have. I just sometimes feel like i am in a dream. I feel like its not real that i am in Guatemala, speaking Spanish, with the most amazing people in the whole world. I feel like the most blessed person in the whole world. I don't know what i did to deserve to have such an opportunity but i am forever grateful!! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!


My God is a God of miracles! Is yours?? YO DIGO QUE SI!!

I think I forgot to post this last week...Sorry!

We celebrated Juanitos birthday. SO LOVE THIS FAMILY!


My girl Silvia...
So how are you? Who is your companion and where is she from? Is she as excited to work as you are? Photos??

Her name is Hermana Alba from Mexico. She is excited to work. She cant walk very fast...yet...but thats alright. She is excited to work and has a strong testimony. I love her so much already!! We are just enjoying our time here together!!

How was conference for you? Did you get to watch it? Where? I figured you all loved the Spanish talk.

We did love the spanish talks. but it was great. We got to watch the majority. The thing is we watch it on the computer so it is slow and pauses every 10 minutes to load...and then when there is rain it just shuts off and it started raining both days at like we didnt get to finish the after noon sessions. But its all good. I AM SO EXCITED TO READ THEM! We do get the Ensigns here!

Jeremy was able to go to the Saturday morning session. He has a friend that has not ever been there and so he got tickets and they went. I was glad he was able to get tickets.

Thats too cool. It made me a little baggy, which means watch it. but not much!! I JUST LOVE CONFERENCE!!

This is a busy week. I just found out this morning Jeremy has a band concert for Jazz and Concert band, both Tuesday and Thursday. Ash has a choir concert Wednesday. Spencer is getting his nose septum fixed on Thursday, Ash has a Dr. Lyman appointment on Thursday, Ensers boys wedding is on Thursday, I was supposed to work Tues night and Thurs night. What else...I don't know. Oh ya, Dad has High Counsel on Thursday night, too. We will see how it all turns out. Im trying to move my night appointments to earlier and later. That should work. We will see.

Sounds like a crazy night!! I love hearing how everyone is doing and finally spencer writes me and keeps me up on his life which is great to hear!! Love you all!!

Anyway, tell us about you and your investigators. It sounds like you have sooo many people there. I love the story of Henry and Mirza and how he said he knows why you emergency transferred there. That is awesome. Emily's baptism still on for the 15th so far? Did Juanito come to conference since he is finished working Sundays? Did Manuel and Lucy come to conference?

HENRY AND MIRZA MOVED!!! I ABOUT DIED WHEN THEY TOLD ME. I did cry...for sure...They didnt even move far, they just moved out of our area. They are in the area of the other sisters in the branch. So i get to see them every sunday. They told me they didnt want to tell me they were moving because they knew it was going to be hard. Emily and i just sat there and cried together the whole lesson. hahaha but she will still get baptized. I am so glad for that. I am just sad because i dont get to visit them anymore. I grew to love them sooo much!!

Juanito did go to conference! HE IS DONE WORKING SATURDAY! HE loved conference and he is so excited about everything. He is set for the baptism the 19th!! 

I feel for Esmeralda. I hate it when it rains cuz I think it will always flood. I wish she had a way to move the water away from her house. Poor thing. You seem to get rain EVERY DAY!

Ya the water enters their house every time. and we do get rain EVERY DAY!. Except for yesterday. I was grateful for a break!

Juan Jose - how is the no smoking or drinking going? Did you ever find Nery?

WE havent found Juan Jose for a long time. Nery told us he doesnt want to listen because he is going to some other church with his girl friend...lame!

How about Imelda? Did you set a date?

YA WE SET THE DATE. She got baptized this past sunday. Everything was perfect. She was very sick...shes got like bronchitis or something. but she came excited. Everything went just great. We did it in between sessions of conference which was great because there was great support. The members just stay they so they dont have to travel back and forth. It was a beautiful baptism!!

I'm sure there are more people now. You ran out of time last week. You said you had so much to tell us and not enough time. That is awesome.


Well, instead of this being super long, I want you to have time to write so I will quit. That's all I can think of to tell you about anyway. We did just get a letter from you on Friday. I will send some photos later today. I have to go to the dentist at 10, but I needed to write you in case you are on today for any reason. I have some from dinner at Grandpa and Grandmas yesterday.

Take care of you! Any other somethings you need us to send? I am waiting til the shoes come, hopefully this week, and we will send it off. Love you!

I have to tell you about Manuel and Lucy. We had them set to go to conference sunday and they didnt show up. So we passed by their house for the afternoon session so they could go but they werent home. So sunday night we went to visit them and Lucy was in the house. She told us Manuel was in the bathroom drunk. AH I WANTED TO DIE. But we told her to go and tell him to come. She went and he said he didnt want to. So we tried a few more time but he didnt want to so we decided to just start,.All the sudden i looked out side and in came Manuel stumbling...he was very drunk. We started to pray and some some weird things went on with him...he was very drunk Then he told us how he was in the bathroom praying for forgiveness when all the sudden he heard or felt very strong a voice saying he had to go to the hermana's because we would be his guides. He felt as if someone was pushing him out the bathroom...even pulling him by the hair. THE SPIRIT WAS WORKING STRONG ON HIM ALL THIS TIME! FROM THE TIME HE WAS IN THE BATHROOM TO THE END OF THE LESSON. So he was embarrassed but came. We started to talk and saw him change completely. He was very drunk but as we went on he was pretty normal. Very conscious and very aware of what he was saying and what we were saying. I have seriously never seen such a change in someone. The spirit is real. Well longgg story short, they have decided to get married and he finally found a job, and they are going to church this sunday FOR SURE! Oh my i still cant get over it. This was a hugeee miracle. The spirit is so real and works so hard. 

We have some little converts...these little kids who havent been going to church and we couldnt find their house. WEll an investigator took us to their house the other day because she is family with them.- Well the mom and dad were in an accident the other day and it involved a the capital...and they were saved miraculously. The mom lost her eye and the dad is very weak in his arm but they are all going to be fine. I am amazed at the miracles that we see in the mission. My God is a God of miracles. Is yours?? YO DIGO QUE SI!!

Just a few fun facts....we have no water half the time..hahaha we went about 4 days with out showering because we didn't have water...its super fun. but thank goodness it rains so that we can rinse off in the rain :) hahaha my skins is like baby skin here on the coast. Im lovin it. My cloths all drown me...i look kind of goofy sometimes with all my big baggy clothes. safety pins are my new best friends!

One big miracle in the mission. Each day and each night i can hardly walk because my body just hurts. its just tired and sore. But each day as we leave the house i feel like i have energy to run a marathon. it is amazing how we are blessed as missionaries. I just am amazed every day.

We had interviews with president yesterday. I cant explain to you what he taught me. I had an interview probably 2x as along as everyone else but he started to teach me some things about prayer and the temple that i am just in awe. I cant wait to be able to share all these things with you guys in a few months. I hope you guys are excited to share with me all your experiences.

I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH. I love my savior. I am a representative of Jesus Christ. I know he lives. I know he loves us. I know our Heavenly Father has a plan for each of us. I know that the gospel is the only thing that brings true happiness and peace because i am living it.