Tuesday, May 13, 2014

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DAD! (For the week of May 4, 2014)

Sorry I never got this out last week - I was just a slacker! She is good and doing better all the time. She love Guatemala! (Again, my comments in green, Morgan's in red!)

So it was your dad's birthday on Sunday. We went to Ogden for Chloe's baby blessing. That is Chris and Merrie's new baby girl. She is cute. Lots of dark hair. I have pictures for you. We went to Kelly and Steve's after for breakfast---it was at 9 so we had to be up early. The boys went to the priesthood meeting at 730 at our stake center because Alex was sustained to advance to Elder. I took photos of the kids and told them they were for you so of course they had lots of pictures I could take that "Morgan would like this too!" they kept saying! It was so funny! Levi was the one who started and then Kate! Sawyer was super calm-mellow yesterday!

I LOVE THE PICTURES!! THANK YOU! seriously, i look forward to pictures, and i will try and send pictures today!! I felt awful...i remembered dads birthday all week and then when we left the internet i remember that i didn't write him...but HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!! HOPE IT WAS A GREAT DAY! love you so much!!

We had mom and dad for dinner--we gave your dad a part for fixing his truck...what else do you give the guy who has everything. I think he is excited. It isn't exciting, but it is something he wouldn't buy for himself. It too much to just buy for fun. He had fixed it with duct tape and silicone. (mans best friend) Now we can fix the truck right! =)

We went to Tanner Park and walked the dog and your dad yesterday. I have a couple photos for you of Tanner Park.

Dustin and Derek came to wish dad a happy birthday. Derek asked how you are doing, where you are, etc. He told us lots about where you are. He said make sure you wear repellent--dengue is the other option for NOT wearing repellent. He was very good at that because the mosquitoes carry disease there. You DON'T WANT THAT! He said wash your fruits and veggies so you don't get stomach problems. Boil your water first, or put some bleach in water and then wash your food to avoid stomach illnesses. I can't remember what else. I need to ask dad. He was looking at your areas. He said Amy is going all the same places he was at.

I know i know, i have been here for a good time now and i know the tricks! I haven't been sick since the kidney stone...knock on wood, but my Heavenly Father is blessing me!

So I don't know what else to do, but talking to a client Saturday, WE DECIDED (hahaha) that I should just set up a Skype account for you. Then tell you about it. As long as it is on the computer you're using, all you have to do it sign in so we can talk Sunday. What do you know about Skyping? How we work it out. Anything different? Let me know. Still 520 pm right?? We've never done this you know. Spencer said Google hangouts or groups or whatever is a better way to go, but you would have to download stuff for that!

Nope, i have an account...well one of these 5 is what i will use, but i will connect with you guys...520 yes. The accounts could be one of the following...
and we are using Skype because that is what the mission is doing....if there are problems we will call i think...but just know that is the plan! Everything will be great!!
(and it wasn't any of those - it was some persons name!)

Grandma is doing GREAT. She is healing so well it is amazing. OH SO GOOD!!!

I finally have a piano again in my ward and i get to play every week!! I LOVE IT!!! Heaven!! haha 

Jeremy has his final Granite Youth Symphony concert Wednesday night also! Of course! I'm sending dad to that because I have gone to all of them and he missed the last one being sick. I will go watch Ashley's dance concert! 

I miss all their fun concerts. I am excited to be able to go when i am back again! That is one thing i love!!

ARE YOU OKAY WITH PHOTOS or do they make you sad! Dad thinks they might make you homesick! but if not, I will send them in a another email. 


Love you so much. I would love some photos of your apartment! I would love to see a little bit of it. I hope you are safe even while you are in a fancy gated place! Take care of Morgan!

Mom (and dad is right here too!)

So Wednesday it dumped on us. Rain! IT DUMPED!! and Friday it all began. We were in the house of an investigator and my companion was having trouble breathing. I told her we were going to go get a blessing, but at this point we were late to meet up with the sisters to do divisions so we headed to meet them and for a blessing after....on our way, my companion was really struggling breathing. We sat her down on the side of the road, at this point the other sisters were with us as well, Hermana Funk an her comp, thank goodness, and so we sat my comp down and called the nurse...she didn't answer, so we called Hernana Brough, she didn't answer, Pres Brough didn't answer either....at this point my companion is having a full on asthma attack on the side of the road in the ghetto..there are medics trying to help her but we cant accept help from them...finally we got a hold of hna Brough...hna Funk and i went an bought an inhaler...long story short, after about an hour the APs came and took her to the hospital...we still did divisions...i got to go with Hermana funk while Hna Blandino went with my comp to the hospital...i was dying all day not knowing what was going on....anyways..i did get to spend the day with hna Funk. My companion is slowly getting better and we are finally able to work. she was told she couldn't work for 15 days...we got it down to 2 days.-. Saturday and Sunday we had to stay in the house! I WAS DYING! we did do divisions with some sisters in the ward when they could, but they couldn't very often. I felt horrible not working but i know it is what she needed. I have felt a little bit of the love the Heavenly Father has for us, and you as well, as my parents. I have had to be kind of strict with her...because she doesn't want to do anything that she is supposed to do...i have had to be strict so she can get better...and its only because i love her. I know that is how Heavenly Father feels when he gives us commandments...i haven't slept much the past week because i have had fear she will stop breathing...so i am always checking on her...i have felt a bit like a mom, and i am so exhausted, but so grateful. Everything that happened, was miraculous. I am just grateful.

Other than that, this week was great!! We have amazing members, we have a baptism of a kid, Cristian. He is so PILAS! He has his 3 church attendances, and he is already reading in 2 Nefi 18. He is so golden. He will do anything, and he just is great. We are working hard with the members here....and knowing that we will see miracles. I am so excited for the things that are going to come!!!!

Thanks for the love and the prayers. I will send pictures now!! LOVE YOU!!!!!

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