Friday, March 7, 2014

So this has been a good, crazy, sad week.

So this has been a good, crazy, sad week. Sad cause we have changes, and my comp is leaving me. I am so so sad, as is she. She has spent her whole mission...5 months in this area. She is is really bummed to be leaving. I am anxious to see who my new companion is.

I AM DONE WITH MY TRAINING. 12 weeks of training and now I can be a normal missionary. hahaha that's what president said at our last training meeting...You are now normal missionaries...and his wife said, no! We don't have normal missionaries here...we only have extraordinary missionaries. But ya, my training is up. YAY! hahaha, no really, I enjoyed my time with my 2 trainers. I am so blessed. I got trained by the best hermanas.

Ok, so we are working so hard to have investigators baptized this get our goal of 400 baptisms in March. the biggest problem here in Guatemala is getting people to church. Especially in San Martin, because lots of people life pretty far from the that is one of our biggest focuses..WE HAVE TO GET PEOPLE TO CHURCH. We are working really hard with JM...I know he will get baptized...he wants to change his life so bad. He just needs to do it. I wish I could just do it for him...he has a sad past, and I know that he wants to change. He will! I am excited for his baptism.

We had some very very funny experiences this week.

1...This cute lady in our ward had brain surgery so she is a little slow and just funny, LOVE HER. We had a lesson in her home with her family and a recent convert and we said ok vamos a tener un oracion del rodillas....a prayer on our knees...and she said, OH THOSE TORTILLAS! hahahaha hahahahaha so funny.

2....I was teaching a lady to a dirigir al padre celestial....she goes, ok...Padre Social. People struggle understand me I guess sometimes. But we all jst laughed.

3....One day this member goes....your leg is black...I had dirt all up the back of my leg. and I I was like, oh thats ok...but if my mom could see my feet she would kill me. My feet are literally permanently black with dirt....and tan too...but its funny. You know its bad when the members can tell the days you have time to really shower.....hahahaha

4....The other day my comp and I were running to this members house to bring a convert to church and their house is kind of behind other houses so we are running to their home and as we turn the corner the dad is out front of their house brushing his teeth in a t shirt and his garment bottoms...hahahahaha WE STOPPED DEAD IN OUR TRACKS AND LAUGHED FOR A GOOD 10 MINUTES. Then we saw him in church and he wa just so embarrassed and we looked at him as he walked in and just died laughing. Literally everytime I think about it I die laughing. (In a note to the kids she sad that when they saw this man at church he came up to them, embarrassed, shook their hands and said, "Disculpe Hermanas" Jeremy said he thinks that means, sorry, Sisters. Pretty cute, poor man!)

Yesterday we watched 17 miracles with our district...that was fun. Caitlin Meyers, my friend from the pharmacy, Travis, and little Ethan. What a good movie.

K, I love you all so much. I am going to try to send some pictures...LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!!
Hermana Oliphant

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