Tuesday, February 11, 2014

This week was awesome!

Morgan didn't send a big letter this week. She sounds good though. They were in "Chimaltenango....not the office. Just where our zone always meets in the stake center." They were going to Antigua for p-day again (she was thrilled) and had President interviews (she is very excited for that, too) there on Monday instead.

Ok, this week was awesome!! I want to tell you about this lesson we had. The girls name is Amelia..she is 22 and her husband is a member. He is an RM. We were asking her about how she felt when she prayed about Joseph Smith....she was trying to descrbie this feeling and she just couldn't...but she practically quoted Doctrine and Covenants 9:8. So we read that with her and she was in shock. She told us she knew everything was true and she is getting baptized this Saturday!! She is amazing and I am so excited for her. This lesson was probably the most spiritual lessons I've been in so far.

So my Spanish is improving...really. My companion says I don't sound like a Norte....and she can understand everything. Which is so great. Makes me feel good! I wish I knew more words...but it will come. I can talk in gospel language, then when people have everyday conversations..I'm pretty lost, but its cool.

We had a lesson this week, we knelt to pray and as we left my comp was dying...so I asked what was wrong and she showed me her knee.....she knelt in baby poop that was on the floor! I WAS DYING LAUGHING! It was soooo funny!!

It has rained a bit this week! I am loving it. It isn"t hard rain or anything, but it feel so nice and refreshing. We will see how much I like it in a couple months when the streets are rivers! hahaha

What else....The people here are amazing. Oh there's this lady, she is a little special, and she was asking my name and I told her it is Hermana Oliphant....people here pronounce it like "ohleefont"....and I said my name, and then said, como Elefante....SHE DIED LAUGHING!! it was so funny!! hahahaha

I am loving it here!! I am amazed everyday at the strength my Savior gives me physically and spiritually. I know that if we rely on our savior he will help us with ANYTHING!! Literally anything!!

PLEASE HAVE FHE AND READ AND PRAY TOGETHER!! i want our family to be all together in the Celestial kingdom....I wont be happy if any one of you isn't there!! Praying for you always, and LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!


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