Tuesday, December 17, 2013

OK wow I have so much to say and so little time!!! I can't believe I've been in the mission field for a week and at the same i can't believe its only been a week!! Its the weirdest feeling. First of all I am going to try to send pics, I don't really know how it is going to work out, but I hope it does!! I don't have tons, but I want to send some. Also, I am just praying everything works out with calling on Christmas. I will die if it doesn't.

So we got here last Tuesday, they had a bus come pick us up. We went to the mission home and had some Power Point thing and had a delicious dinner. Then we went to work. They send us 3 new girls to go out with a trio. HOLY COW. I didn't know how hard this was. It was hard mostly cause the sister I went with spoke no English, so I just had to testify when I felt like I understood what was going on. The next day we went to changes. SEEING AMY WAS AMAZING!! She is so happy and it makes me so excited because she just loves it. I cant wait til I get to the point she is at so I can love every part. Don't get me wrong, I do love it, but its hard and frustrating a lot of the time. I think I have too high of expectations for myself. I want to be able to speak fluently after a week in the field...IMPOSSIBLE. but so frustrating. I have a thing I want to share, but I don't know how, or else I contact someone and I don't know how to respond to them after I ask them for their address, because I don't know what they said!! hahaha so its really entertaining probably for them to watch me struggle. But everyday I feel like I can do more!! its definitely been a hard week, but every time we have a lesson, and I testify or share something in my really awful Spanish, and I know the spirit is testifying to them, It makes it all worth it.  Anyways, so at changes they just say who's companions and where you're headed. My companion is Hermana Coleman. She is awesome. She has like 4 months left in the field I think. She's the nurse, so she spends a lot of time on the phone with missionaries, which is kind of weird sometimes cause then I'm left with investigators and I don't have much to say. hahaha but its ok.

Our house is way nice for our area. We have a shower, with a water heater hooked on to it...not much pressure, but its a shower!! It's also a 2 story house. Our bedroom is upstairs and the kitchen is on the lower level.  So anyways it is very nice compared to some of the other houses we teach in. These people here amaze me with their humble circumstances. They are all SO amazing though. We don't have a cook. We make all our own food. Which I enjoy, we went to the market yesterday and bought all our fruits and veggies and other food. I'm in heaven with the fruits and veggies. 

Here is a typical day. Wake up at 530...because I am training we have an extra hour of comp study so we wake up an hour earlier so we can get more done. Exercise...aka jump rope, do sit ups, strength stuff, kick a soccer ball in front of our house...then we eat/shower. We just take turns with that. Then we have personal study, then 2 hours of comp study, which includes language study. Then we go out for a bit and come back for lunch. Then we are out all day contacting and teaching. It is a mission rule that we don't eat dinner until 930 because we don't want to take anytime out of our day to eat. So we eat after we are home for the night. The mission rule here is URGENCY. We speed walk/run everywhere. Usually only run when we are late for things, but when you're in a good lesson you can't just get up and leave. So I have a ton of blisters and my body is tired all the time but I am so blessed. My knee has been getting stronger everyday, I am able to run! SUCH A MIRACLE!!! and I haven't had much pain. Nothing is going to stop this work. NOTHING!! 

We have some awesome investigators. One was supposed to get baptized on Sunday, but she didn't come to her interview, so we are hoping this week. We are trying to figure out why she is avoiding it. Its hard for me because I don't know them all yet very well, so its hard to keep them straight at this point. But anyways, I love them all. The members here are awesome as well.  My first Sunday here I was able to play the piano for sacrament meeting which was great to meet people.  Also, the best thing ever is seeing your investigators walk through the door. We had some miracles when it  came to that. A man came with his family...he has been doing drugs for like 40 years, his "wife"..they are just living together wants to be baptized really bad but cant unless they separate or get married. She cant get married cause she doesn't have her papers from El Salvador...so he came to church this past week, and I believe its because they want to be together so he is willing to do whatever it takes. Also, this other hermano...who is the boyfriend of an investigator came..ALONE! Ahhh he LOVED IT!!! That was probably my favorite part of this week was seeing him later Sunday night and seeing how happy he was and how excited he was to continue to feel what he felt at church!! That is the joy of being here. Seeing the change in their lives. Seeing the joy that the gospel brings, seeing them smile when you haven't seen that before!! 

What else...I have so much to say. ONE THING!! Please STUDY, not just ready, but STUDY the scriptures as a family.  It will bless us so much. not only that but it is going to help Jeremy prepare for his mission so much better. Also, FAMILY HOME EVENING!! I regret having that awful attitude toward those things before. Its such a blessing. "Salvation is an individual matter, but exaltation is a family matter." AH I cant wait to be home and study with you guys!! It's such a blessing and will bring us so much closer and we will learn so much!! This week you should read about the life of the Savior...after all it is that time of year. I promise, and I can promise you this as a representative of Christ, that it will bless our family immensely. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do these two things. Its so important. The BOM is KEY!! if there's nothing else I am able to do, if i cant even speak the language, I want to KNOW the scriptures. I want to know them like the back of my hand. I Love learning from them!! I LOVE YOU ALL!! 

We get to go to the temple tomorrow...yay for waking up at 3 am! but other than that we go once every 6 months. We are going tomorrow for our Christmas activity!! I am excited.  
I don't know what else to tell you. This is such hard work. I sleep like a baby every night. Oh, to answer one of your questions, we walk every where in our area. Some places ride buses...hahaha contacting the whole bus is fun... :) but ya we walk. Which is nice. It's a beautiful area!!


P.S. be careful with what you put on my blog. No specifics and maybe no pictures...just for safety reasons!

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